Author Topic: Coyote hunting?  (Read 1910 times)

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Offline nclonghunter

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Coyote hunting?
« on: June 13, 2011, 06:50:43 pm »
I have an ever increasing number of coyotes in my area and I live in a housing development, surrounded by woods. Yesterday at noon I heard one maybe two howling aggressively. I put on some camo and slipped into the area I believed them to be. I jumped two deer and saw the coyote cutting away from the deer in another direction. I suspect the coyote had the deer somewhat cornered on the fringe of woods and the development and was calling for assistance in the hunt.

Now the question is, for you coyote hunters, is a dying rabbit call or a come to me howler a better call to bring in coyotes. I have tried the rabbit call in the past and haven't had much luck, but that could be more the caller (me). A friend suggested hanging a smelly dead chicken from a high limb secured with wire, then visit it occasionally for a coyote to come in. I thought about sardines scattered around the area??

Any tricks, methods or calls that work??

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Offline johnston

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Re: Coyote hunting?
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2011, 07:24:59 pm »
   I have been predator hunting for thirty years here in SC and while I can usually do good on fox the coyotes kick my butt. Know a few folks that have tried bait but it never worked.

The feller that started me on critters owns a country supply store located on a main road next to one of his pastures. He hunts on an almost daily basis and has enough land to keep from educating the coyotes.He hired a trapper to get rid of some beaver and the trapper caught 6 coyotes the first night and 7 the next. My friend could not believe it.

Good luck.


Offline Justin Snyder

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Re: Coyote hunting?
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2011, 07:36:25 pm »
Rabbit distress or if they are deer eaters, a fawn distress. When they are getting ready to breed or denning a howl will bring in mature coyotes pretty good. It is often difficult to call close to town. The coyotes are nervous and have usually been educated. August is a good time to try because the pups are starting to get out on their own. They are dumb and hungry and easier to kill.
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Offline nclonghunter

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Re: Coyote hunting?
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2011, 10:41:05 am »
Someone needs to make "Coyote Treats". I know my dogs are crazy for their treats...

Plan on borrowing a friends electronic caller and giving it a try. Watched a couple youtube vids and they were using a battery operated flipping tail as an attractor. Looked good to me.

A friend was telling me his dad shot a coyote with his recurve while deer hunting. I told him that is an accomplishment as hard as they are to kill.
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