Author Topic: Trade Bow - Just not meant to be!!  (Read 4052 times)

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Offline George Tsoukalas

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Re: Trade Bow - Just not meant to be!!
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2011, 01:13:21 am »
That's the way it goes. Saddle up and start another. A pin knot on a board seems to result in a break for me too. Jawge
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Offline Cameroo

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Re: Trade Bow - Just not meant to be!!
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2011, 01:41:31 am »
That's the way it goes. Saddle up and start another. A pin knot on a board seems to result in a break for me too. Jawge

Got another going already :)  Had a bit of time today after getting the stray dog that wondered into my yard all settled in.  I can see why you guys south of the border like working with osage so much now.  I've never seen such long curls come off my scraper.  And it also seems like it's a lot more tolerant of pin knots etc., especially with a hickory backing.  It's coming along nicely.  Just got the tiller balanced nicely today, and pulling to about 18 inches on the long string.  I'll brace it tomorrow.

No pictures this time though, that seems to be jinxing me!  ;D  I'll wait until it's actually done and shot in this time.