Author Topic: lookin for a truck. suggestions?  (Read 5594 times)

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Offline cracker

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Re: lookin for a truck. suggestions?
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2011, 10:01:53 pm »
boy that was a sweet deal. ;D
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Offline mullet

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Re: lookin for a truck. suggestions?
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2011, 10:35:11 pm »
Looks like one of our Company trucks. We have about twenty of them going to the auction, mostly 2006's.
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline Hillbilly

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Re: lookin for a truck. suggestions?
« Reply #17 on: May 31, 2011, 09:25:23 am »
I bought a Nissan Frontier in 2001. It now has about 200k on it, and has never had a wrench on it except to change the oil, brake pads, and the spark plugs once. By far the best truck I've ever owned, and I've had Fords, Chevies, Toyotas, Dodge, and pretty much everything else over the years.
Smoky Mountains, NC

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Offline skyarrow

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Re: lookin for a truck. suggestions?
« Reply #18 on: May 31, 2011, 04:28:34 pm »
My best and only truck iv owned is my  94 Toyota pickup it was the last year they had them before the taco as came out and replaced it 22re 4banger it won't break a speed record but it's light and handles off road very well it only get 17mpg it now has 225k miles on it and it still runs as good as it was with 60k  if you can find one that's newer and get it before the mexican wholesalers take it to Mexico you won't be disappointed il post a pic later if you want
"We don't have mistakes here, we just have happy accidents" Bob Ross RIP 1995

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: lookin for a truck. suggestions?
« Reply #19 on: May 31, 2011, 08:11:41 pm »
Pity I sold my 87 Isuzu Trooper with 200,718 miles on it.  I had it for 30,000 miles and it never failed to start in the coldest weather.  Sold it back to the guy I bought it from and got back EVERTYING I PAID FOR IT! 

Had I known you were looking for something like this ride, I would have marked it up to double the price and sold it to you!!! (By the way, I paid a buck for it and Mikey paid me a buck to get it back).  $1 for a working 4 wheel drive is a pretty good deal, right?
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline sailordad

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Re: lookin for a truck. suggestions?
« Reply #20 on: May 31, 2011, 08:19:23 pm »
recurve shooter , you can tell from everyones relies that its like i said
only you can decide whats a good truck for you  ;)
but its like i also said,
they are all junk its just a matter of whos junk you want to be seen driving in  ;) ;D

every manufacturer can find stories that their vehicle has gone 500k miles or more
and most manufactureres have these documented as its a benefit to their company
but then on the other hand every manufacturer also hs made lemons that cant make it pst the sales floor without having problems

best advisewould be find a vehicle you like,then find its maintenance history on it
dont just go by the owners word of " i changed oil every 3k miles and never took it off road  or got over 50 mph with it"
ask for reciepts etc to back up their claims,most folks whether they be profession car salemen or not will tell you what you want to hear
to sell their pile of crap to you  ;)

good luck
i always wanted a harley,untill it became the "thing to ride"
i ride because i love to,not to be part of the crowd


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Re: lookin for a truck. suggestions?
« Reply #21 on: May 31, 2011, 09:10:27 pm »
I bought a Nissan Frontier in 2001. It now has about 200k on it, and has never had a wrench on it except to change the oil, brake pads, and the spark plugs once. By far the best truck I've ever owned, and I've had Fords, Chevies, Toyotas, Dodge, and pretty much everything else over the years.

I've got another 2001 Nissan Frontier. I have 130k on it and it is one good truck. I have yanked out stumps, dragged logs, pulled trailers full of gravel, hauled three sea kayaks at a time, slept in the camper and generally put it to work. 

Offline stickbender

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Re: lookin for a truck. suggestions?
« Reply #22 on: May 31, 2011, 10:48:43 pm »

     I have had a Datsun (former Nissan) and abused the crap out of it, and it never failed me, and hauled all manner of stuff, but it would get stuck in the dust on the road.  Too light.  I had about 300k on it before I sold it, and got a Datsun car, and sold that and got a very badly used Toyota corolla, and after getting  a pumpkin from a u pull it, and then other repairs, and finally a transmission band adjustment, I sold it, and got an 86 Toyota 4runner.  I sold it in 2005.  Well over 500k on it.  I absolutely loved that truck.  If you were behind Farmer John, and there was intermittent traffic in the on coming lane, you were going to be a while, unless there was a looooong space between oncoming cars.  It was not a speedy truck, but it was ABSOLUTELY dependable!  It had the R22E engine, four cylinder .  Not great milage, about 22 mpg.  But it would go places I have seen big four by fours get stuck.  The R22e was by far one of the best engines out there in the four banger class.  Just not speedy.  I now have a 03 Tundra, 4 X 4.  I love it!  The milage was terrible, about 18 hwy, and around 13 or so in town.  Then I put the K & N filter and ram on it, and I have ten more horsepower, and I haven't figured out the milage on hwy yet, but before I put it in, I would use a 1/4 tank to get to my Girlfriend's house, and now, I use an 1/8 !!  That's hwy driving.  My Brother has a Jeep, and has done a lot of repairs on it.  He takes very good care of it.  He also has an F250 diesel, and he put the Air Raid system on his.  It is almost the same thing as the K & N unit.  I have a Friend of mine who builds custom cars in Jacksonville, and he absolutely hates Nissans.  I would buy a Ford, if I could not have a Toyota.  I don't like Chevy trucks, because I know too many people, including an older cousin, who have had the Transmissions go out, almost on the exp. date of the warranty.  I also don't like their 4 X 4's because of the IDIOTIC Brake loop on the left side of the rear axle that hangs down begging to be snagged!  In fact a friend had rented one to haul trash from his fathers yard, and took it out to the woods, and yep, a root snagged the braked loop, and ripped it off!  I have friends who own dodges, in various models, and all have had transmission trouble, but love the engines.  I have a Friend I worked with who drove an Isuzu, and loved it.  Like Sailordad said, it all comes to eventually it will be junk, and you just have to find the junk that is the most suitable to your finances, and uses for it, and the current condition, and maintenance it had, and the maintenance that you give it.  I had a friend in college who's Sister worked for GM, and her job was to drive a car around a track with her foot on the brake to test brake pad material, and such, if it lasted too long, then it was reformulated, till it got just the right amount of wear, so as not last too long, but not wear out too soon. ;)
This was back in the early 70's.  I am sure they don't do things like that now.... ;D  She had a mustang fastback or something like, and she called it a Monday morning, or Friday afternoon car.  The trunk lid had varying gaps, on the sides, wide at the bottom on the right, wide at the top on the left.  The rear seat moulding didn't fit, right, and the screws were cockeyed, and not in straight.  We drove it on average of 90 mph on the way to Detroit, where she sold it.  I got off in VA.  It constantly ran hot, even after she had it in repeatedly for repairs at the dealer.  So she said to hell with it, and we pushed it.  But it got to Detroit.  It was a fast car and handled well.  Just don't get in a hurry to buy something, and don't be afraid to haggle.  The more you save the more you can use for gas, and maintenance.  Do like they said check the magazines, and want ads.  4 X 4's usually don't get as good of millage as 2 wheel drive.  Decide which is more important, driving to School, or mudbogging!  Gas will eat up your budget real quick!  Mud boggin will wear, and tear BIG time.  If you want both, be prepared to be without transportation at times.  Wait for spring break for muddin, that way you will have time to fix things, or get another truck. ;)  Personally, I would go with dependability!  And go for the Mud bogging with an extra truck just for that hobby.  After you get out of College, hopefully you will be able to find work in your chosen field, and then you can get the toys for mud boggin etc.
good luck .


Offline mullet

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Re: lookin for a truck. suggestions?
« Reply #23 on: May 31, 2011, 10:51:35 pm »

hey! Do you know what Paragraph and pages are? ::) ??? ::) ??? ??? ::) ??? ;)
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline stickbender

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Re: lookin for a truck. suggestions?
« Reply #24 on: May 31, 2011, 10:53:00 pm »
     Dang Scott, I need to follow you around. :o  You are like Mullet at yard sales. ;D  Did you check to see if any body parts were hidden in it? ;D ;D  or if it had hauled any radioactive material, or other hazardous material? ::)  That is just incredible!


Offline stickbender

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Re: lookin for a truck. suggestions?
« Reply #25 on: May 31, 2011, 11:02:38 pm »

     You mean like the reply to Scott? ::) ;D  Well I did leave out the part of the Mustang only having one coat of paint on it.  So I did shorten it a bit. ;D
Aren't you supposed to be in bed, planning your escape tatics, in case you get kidnapped?  I thought you were heading out to Brazil tomorrow.


Offline mullet

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Re: lookin for a truck. suggestions?
« Reply #26 on: June 01, 2011, 07:01:48 pm »
 Naw,,, I'm heading to Valledupar, Colombia  about 6:30 Thursday morning.
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline skyarrow

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Re: lookin for a truck. suggestions?
« Reply #27 on: June 01, 2011, 08:53:28 pm »
Recurve I agree with tim it really up to you and what make you happy you can get 300+k miles on any truck if you maintain it the best advice I can give you is dont buy the first one you like try a few out you never know what you will find and if you can see if you can find it on carfax or lemon to see if it was listed most car sellers won't tell you the real problems with them they want to just sell it good luck amigo and hope you will find what you want :)
"We don't have mistakes here, we just have happy accidents" Bob Ross RIP 1995