Okay, I'll post some pics tonight after dinner, as for dimensions it's 70" nock to nock, center and the five inches on either side is 1.5 inches, and the limbs taper to 5/8 from there. thickness is about 7/8 right from the center, down to half an inch at the ends.
that's 4est trekker's build-a-long and it's a good one, but a ?, give us some dimensions and some pics and we'll see if we can get you going. I usually dont mess with the handle till mostly finished, nice shape to it though, is it a pyramid or straight most of the way then taper to nock's, at the fades it looks pretty thick yet, also did ya make the string, if new it will stretch, and slide the loop over one end and then put the timber hitch on the other nock, and then the loop slides up the limb to the nock, hope some of this helps, Bub
I'm not sure what the dimensions would be, prolly similiar to the build a long. The bow i'm working on is mostly straght with the taper starting at about 16'' from the end of the handle. Handle hasn't been shaped yet, just the riser is glued on with roughed out fades.
The string is new, it was made and sent to me by Denny, a forum member here (THANKS AGAIN DENNY!!!

) but I wasn't ever able to use it last year. Life gets in the way...you know.

I'll try putting the knot on one end then using the loop slide up and brace. Now that you said that, I wasn't sure why I wasn't doing that in the first place....

Have you had it on the long string ? and limbs working out 8/10 inches. If so are you pulling the
loose end of the timber hitch to the back of the bow,I loop through the knot twice and pull the
loose end to the back and usuall don't have any trouble,If the bow has a lot of reflex,sometimes I have to adjust the string length a few time till I get it short enough.

I have had it on the long string, and it'll bend. I was looking at the limbs around 8-10, and was having a hardtime looking at how they bend. I think it's poor lighting. I'll post a picture tonight. I'm not totally sure whatcha mean buy pulling the loose end around to the back of the bow though could you explain it in "dummy" terms?
I find it easier to tie a loop in one end which is then used to breace the bow whilst the timber hitch is already tightended and in place.
A bow line should do if its not a proper served string. Also make sure the string you are using is not stretching too much or it will be a nightmware to string.
If all else is well then i guess as you say there is just too much wood there.
I think that you're right about the timber hitch just staying there. Gonna try that tonight. I think that there's still too much wood though. I'm not super strong, but I'm no wimp. I can string a bow, and I work an a ranch and can toss hay bales around, so I'm thinking there's still too much material. It was reeeeaaallly hard to brace it (or try anyways).
I long string tiller out to 10 inches of string travel (not limb tip travel) looking for good bending an target weight. Then I string it with a stringer. More on my site. Jawge
That what I started to do, but I guess I just wasn't done yet.

I'll give your site a read before I work any further.
In case it helps any, here's the thread I made from last summer, and a link to the pictures of the roughing out, and such. Might help you get an idea for the bow. Ignore the tiller pictures though, I wasn't aware of what I was doing and the bows a different beast now.
Original thread: