Author Topic: New bows... in about 20 - 30 years...  (Read 1491 times)

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New bows... in about 20 - 30 years...
« on: May 27, 2011, 08:13:09 pm »
A friend has a lot of different trees and greenery around his property and as Nature takes it's course; the trees have been seeding themselves around the place naturally.  Well, we spent a few hours digging up the saplings of Ash and Sycamore and potting them in compost made from pure dried cow poop that's about 30 years old or more.

Ended up with about 5 Sycamore saplings/shoots and about 15 - 20 Ash saplings/shoots.  Also got 1 Willow twiglet thingy with hundreds more available for me - which will be great for soaking up most of the water/moisture in my back garden.  Question regarding Willow shoots...  do they make for good arrow shafts?

Here's a pic of my "haul" from today :)

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Re: New bows... in about 20 - 30 years...
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2011, 11:50:41 am »
You might not have to wait that long. Here's some ten year old Sycamore's.
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Re: New bows... in about 20 - 30 years...
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2011, 12:06:08 pm »
Nope...Sycamore grows as fast as Maple...and I have 4 Maples that are 14 years old...and they stand damned near 30 foot or better now...lots of water...and TLC...and they thrive....I used to make Arrows from Weeping Willow Suckers....when I was a Kid....seemed to work fine for light Bows back then...jmo
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