Thanks for the input

Seems like every bow i make starts out with one limb significantly stronger than the other no matter how careful i am on the initial profile/shaping and getting the limbs as identical as possible. Course i did heat treat these before tiller, so that could've contributed. First time i braced was that lopsided look again, but i followed Roy's and Art's and Pearl's and others advice on working the brace up gradually from a short long string and using the tillering gizmo. Worked like a charm, but it seemed like i scraped FOREVER on the stiff limb to get it to bend with the other. It is now about 1/16" thinner than the other, but bending the same

Just glad to have it looking the way it does!
Hrothgar: Haven't done any work on the handle area yet except for drawing it out. I'm planning to put an arrow shelf in mainly because the guy i'm making it for wants an arrow shelf. I prefer to shoot of the hand personally. I'll start shaping the handle after I get the tiller into the shootable phase.
I'll repost as soon as i make some more progress this weekend