Welcome! Now, make sure you raise your hand and ask all of your questions in one post. That way we can cut and paste the answers for the next new guy. OK?
Hey!! How did you find my 4th grade graduation picture??

LOL......most of my questions will be about woods other than Osage because that's about the only one I've worked with to any great extent. I did make a nice BBO last go around and the boo was a new experience, but not really the monster that everybody made it out to be. Lots of splinters but other than that not too bad.
Messin with Hackberry now and it's even more confusing to work with than the bamboo was.........little tiny rings. I better get some old fart's glasses cause I think I may need them? LOL
It will be nice to try a different wood though, kinda gettin burt out on Osage even though it's one of the best bow woods out there. I'm taking my bow building in a whole new direction and want to expand my horizons so to speak.
Lee- I see where you been hanging out now, you been cheating on me so I had to come and track you and Pearlie Boy down!! LOL
Yall been sneaking out and talking about me behind my back on another trad website ain't ya!!