So I finished tillering the bow I will be sending of in a few weeks. I remeber when the trade started, I immedeately knew what bow style I was going to make. I had been meddling with the Idea of a sudbury bow like the one in the trad bowyers bible book vol 2 or tree the one in the cover. I was going to do hickory but though a stave bow would be more appropriate so I did black locust. The locust was just cut about 6 months ago so I reduced the stave to dimensions and left it drying. it was a bit thick and today as I finished it I sensed that it was still a little wet, probably around 13-15% moisture, luckily it had like 3 inches of reflex when I began so it didnt get any follow. I tillered the bow and its about 68lbs @ 28 inches. After finishing the bow I got my arrows and shot em at a lemon I stuck on a stick. On my 4th shot I see the arrow go right through the lemon. All in all im happy with the way it turned out, now it just needs final sanding and finishing. i hope the recipient will like it as much. Will post some tease pics tommorow

Updated Here are a few teaser pics. I still have to do final sanding and finishing.

The more I shoot this one the more I fall in love with it. So simple but a very effective weapong. I wish I could send those arrows too they shoot great from this one for some reason.