Author Topic: Temporary home for the Englisch-Warbow forum created  (Read 29307 times)

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Re: Temporary home for the Englisch-Warbow forum created
« Reply #30 on: May 18, 2007, 07:02:25 pm »
No problem.  There's plenty of room for both.  We just wanted people to understand that this forum will remain indefinitely and we would like to keep all the good traffic going.  We didn't start it as a temporary patch, but in response to increasing global interest in warbows. 

I've been wondering where you've been.  Good to see you here.

          J. D. Duff

PS:  is E-n-g-l-i-s-c-h an antiquated spelling?

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Re: Temporary home for the Englisch-Warbow forum created
« Reply #31 on: May 18, 2007, 07:53:28 pm »
I think Englisch is a German spelling  ;D.

Nice to see you Glennan!

Online Pat B

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Re: Temporary home for the Englisch-Warbow forum created
« Reply #32 on: May 19, 2007, 01:29:40 am »
If someone will inform us of shoots or happenings, no matter where they are, we will post that information here on PA for all to see. ;)   
   I am happy to see lots of new folks here. I have only built the one "72" War Bow"  and don't know how many more I will build( I like to be able to shoot bows I build! ::)) but I throughly enjoying reading the posts about them and seeing you guys pull(and shoot) these incredible artillery pieces.
   Welcome to PA. Ya'll have a whole different look at the world of archery than most of us here on PA are used too. I think it is a big PLUS to the PA site.  A site is only as good as it's members so lets make this one of the best war bow sites in cyberspace.       Pat
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC


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Re: Temporary home for the Englisch-Warbow forum created
« Reply #33 on: June 07, 2007, 04:22:11 pm »
Hey Folks, Gino here.

Just wanted to make sure that you all realised that when I set up the other warbow forum it wasn't intended to segregate anyone or take members from you. We had lost the original forum for people interested in warbows and we were struggling to find one place where we could all get access to be able to communicate with each other and stay in touch. I had trouble getting onto here a few times but made it eventually (see!).
Theres been a bit of confusion over the "temporary" issue of the forum I set up. I have no intention of shutting it down at any point in the future, but I made it clear that if Nick ever felt like he wanted to host the forum again at then I would close down my forum and let his be the primary warbow forum again, as it used to be. If this isnt the case then mine would stay as it is.
It's nice to see that you've created a warbow section for us in your messageboard and I appreciate the work put in. I look forward to sharing any information between forums and members, after all we're all in it for the same thing.



Online Pat B

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Re: Temporary home for the Englisch-Warbow forum created
« Reply #34 on: June 07, 2007, 05:04:43 pm »
Gino, Thanks for the reply. There is plenty of room for both sites. We can and will compliment each other. When we opened the war bow thread here on PA it was at the request of JD Duff, one of our members and a website moderator. We were filling a vacancy with a thread similar to what you all had, to accommodate the war bow buffs that lost their(your) war bow site. I believe I read the word "temporary" early on and I think we may have taken that another way than intended. ::) That is why we proclaimed our permanency. As long as Primitive Archer Magazine is around, the website will be around...and if I have anything to do with it, that will be a long time. ;D
   I hope there are no hard feelings about this matter and look forward to working with you guys to
fulfill the need for reliable information about war bows and related topics.
  Thanks again for chining in. Communication is what this is all about!    Pat
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline Calendargirl

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Re: Temporary home for the Englisch-Warbow forum created
« Reply #35 on: June 07, 2007, 07:22:37 pm »
For all of you on the warbow site that are here mostly because of that interest, please know that I do my best to get events onto our calendar whether in the US, or overseas.  This is a global forum.  I put the events on this forum calendar, and on our website calendar and the events then make it into the magazine.  We have some groups that pay for advertising in our magazine.  So to respect their investment, what is printed in the magazine is the event, date, and place.  I put a bit more on the websites but our advertisers get directly linked to their websites. 
I mention all of that because I want to encourage you to send me an email or a pm and let me get your event put on the site.  Also if you post it yourself I will link it to the calendar page.  We try hard to keep a community going and have found that by posting events people can make plans, meet, and trade information and learn from each other in person.  Check out the events page if you haven't already.
Soooo shoot me an email!  ;D
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