Just nasty looking bow, I“m pretty jealous.
Thought I would like to point out, if you're writings Runes 'n' such nonsense, it makes its much cooler (well to me) if you go with the runic spelling. In this case Asgard would be Įsgaršr (pr: es-GAR-thur).
Thanks Caius. Thank you very much for pointing that out. Yes I considered that spelling but only for a short moment. I guess it's along the same lines as using hickory rather than elm or ash. Or choosing the type of bow design that I did rather than a more ancient true to history style like a molly. It does, as Jorik pointed out, reduce the authentic aspect of this bow.
The truth is that I'm a new bowyer. Long time artist (by hobby) but very new bowyer. I'm scared of ash and live in Arizona. I have not been able to find elm as of yet and the thought of ordering some from some place with out being able to examine it...well just scares me. So I used hickory because I'm used to it and very confident I can make a bow with that type of wood.
Just like the use of the more common modern term Asgard rather than the Old Norse: Įsgaršr; meaning "Enclosure of the Ęsir" also detracts from the authentic. I'm not limited in this case to my lack of skill as a bowyer or inability to readily obtain elm. I simply made a choice to go with the term that is more commonly understood. Sort of a creative decision I guess.
I like how you think though!
I tend to like to veer away from the "absolutely true to history" aspect and ad my own style / imagination or rather I like to take my idea and incorporate aspects of true to life culture to make it more believable. I feel like this gives me a measure of freedom. If I entered a contest to make an English War Bow replica like found on the Mary Rose I would fail misrebly because I would probably feel the irresistable need to turn it into an "Elvish" War Bow.....Hey that gives me an idea....

Thanks again!