Author Topic: Beaver hides and tails (all gone)  (Read 3450 times)

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Offline Stiks-N-Strings

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Beaver hides and tails (all gone)
« on: March 09, 2011, 12:28:35 am »
Got some nice beaver hides I am getting ready to stretch and some tails I'm gonna flesh and dry. Might do some tradin for some shafts or some heads. If you got some shafts heads and feathers of the right mix I may trade one of my big ole blanket beavers. I caught several this winter that over 70#. I took an 80# beaver to the taxidermist.

 If you want to check me out Pat B or Keenan will vouch for me. I'm sure there's afew others here that know me from trad gang

« Last Edit: March 22, 2011, 01:48:23 am by Stiks-N-Strings »
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Offline adb

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Re: Beaver hides and tails
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2011, 11:50:33 am »
I'm looking for tanned beaver tails.

Offline thomas h

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Re: Beaver hides and tails
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2011, 01:03:56 pm »
me too  ;D when will they be  ready----------P.M. sent
« Last Edit: March 09, 2011, 01:36:50 pm by thomas h »

Offline Cameroo

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Re: Beaver hides and tails
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2011, 03:44:38 pm »
Do you plan on tanning the tails? If so, I'd be interested in some as well, if they're not all spoken for already.  They make a sharp lookin bow grip!  I don't have much to trade at the moment, but could do some custom leather work if you're interested (just ask Keenan :) ).

Out of curiousity, what is a 70# beaver pelt worth these days?

Offline Stiks-N-Strings

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Re: Beaver hides and tails
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2011, 05:32:26 pm »
Tails will ready in about a month or month and a half. I did some experiment with some tail scraps and tanned it like you do a snake skin with glycerin and denatured alcohol. Worked great. I'll have plenty of tail material to go round.

 I got a deal working on a hide but have a few to part with. Thomas I sent you a PM.

 adb, let me know what you got to trade. looking for shafts feather and stone or steel points

 Cameroo, I read a post of your on an armguard you made. Sweet work. I do a little tooling myself but nothing like that. I haven't done any for a while, Got to many irons in the fire. A 70# beaver ain't bringing near what it should considering the work, About 30$ put up and dried. It is a bear to skin a beaver and even tougher to do a tail but I enjoy my trapping . I got into because I didn't want to pay 150$ for a good tanned hide or 25$ for enough beaver tail to wrap one handle. If you want some for wraps we will work something out.
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Offline Stiks-N-Strings

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Re: Beaver hides and tails
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2011, 01:45:01 am »
all hides and tails are spoken for.

 I'll Have more next season.
learned a great deal many things during my absence the last few years,
True friends are rare and priceless.
You always think it won’t happen to you, well it can it will. Such is life, it ain't fair and shows no indifference. Enjoy it anyway