The blade on my bandsaw (3tpi) was worn out, but I'd seen a guy on the web who made a jig too hold the blade while he touched up each tooth with a Dremel tool.
Nah, too slow for me.
I figured the best thing to hold the blade is the bandsaw itself, so I just got a liitle grind wheel in my electric drill and touched it to the back of each tooth in turn, I got pretty slick at it and the downward pressure on the teeth was enough to move the belt round, I reckon it only took 15mins.
It needs a steady hand...but hey we make bows, we've all got steady hands right?
I just tested it on a piece of prob' where before it would have been struggling and smoking.
I don't think it's cutting as straight as a new blade, but for a quick new lease of life for ripping down a log it's worth knowing.
Dunno if anyone else is daft enough to have tried this?
Oh I stuck a bit of masking tape on where I started. I gotta admit I started asking 'are we there yet?' after a while
