Hey guys,
Its been a while since i posted anything about the ash bow i'm working on, so time to bore you.
So i only got round to putting reflex into one of the limbs as you can see in the pics, this is after 3 failed attempts on the lower limb. It is never gunna have the most perfect tiller in the world nor is it ever gunna win BOM but i did use a pocket knife after all lol. So the stats are 69" tip-tip 30lb @28" but after the first reflex the draw feels like its gone up a lot so i'm guessing after both reflexes are in i might just be able to get it 40lb+ although measuring the draw weight isn't something i like to do in a hurry (long story short it takes about an hour). I also added a leather handle wrap which i got from a free furniture store leather sample (i'm cheap i know). anyway here it is:


Full draw (excuse the bed-had)