Author Topic: The Tataric-French rapprochement,as history of frienship long! ARROWS have.  (Read 1814 times)

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Offline readfox

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The Tataric - French co-operation has 8 centures.

1) The   Politician aspects.

A) The Tatars and the Frechmen of France.
B) The Tatars and the Frechmen of  Wallonia.
C) The Tatars and the Frechmen Hugenots in Germany.
D) The Tatars and the Frechmen Hugenots in  Namibia.
E) The Tatars and the Frechmen Hugenots in The South  Africa.
F) The Tatars and the Frechmen in  Qubec of  Canada.

2) The Tatars and the Frenchmen  in  mutual  profitable  Espionage and Intelligence Service's   co-operation during eight centures.

Please kindly  wait a little.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2011, 08:53:11 pm by readfox »

Offline Sparrow

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Re: The Tataric-French reprouchmeg, as history of frienship long! ARROWS have.
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2011, 11:50:45 pm »
 I don't know as I have seen any "Frog" arrows. Them frenchy's seem to run long on bullets these days , and not so big on arra's.   (The French National Police,are buying their ammo from us.( ATK, Who owns CCI and Federal)  French, ....Ha !   '  Frank
Frank (The Sparrow) Pataha, Washington

Offline readfox

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Re: The Tataric-French reprouchmeg, as history of frienship long! ARROWS have.
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2011, 10:15:00 am »
Dear Enlightened Mister  Sparrow!
It's a terrible pity, that I  won't  be  ablle to  earn money from Your information.

You never were  nervous before, why did You change a little bit ?
Take it easy.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 12:30:59 pm by readfox »

Offline Sparrow

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My nerves are fine. I just like to pick on the frenchies every chance I get. I have a couple of french friends,and they give me (The Barbarian,American) alot of trash,at every oppurtunity. So there you go.  '  Frank
Frank (The Sparrow) Pataha, Washington

Offline readfox

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Dear  Enlightened  Mr  Sparrow.

Kindly be waited a little bit, but  only  after Brunese  State Party, I have some preparations  for Brunese, Malasian and  Indonesian conections in the  next  week, after it I am entirely at Your disposal and the USERS and  the guests of this cyber web.

May be I will see MULLET at once in NAMIBIA, my near friend is at this moment NAMIBIAN ambassador in India, and I  must make for him something too.
But I remember about my  little report about the Tataric -  French repprouchement, as it is so connected with the Tataric - American repprouchement.



Dear Enlightened Mister  Sparrow !
it is a pity, that You are not owner  of the compuny "FRANK", which  has  many famous brands  for  the man's  fashion,
I  need for the next  Party  shirt for my smoking dress.
I will be able to buy the  one  personaly  from You,  if You  were owner  of the  FRANK's  compuny,
I  repeat, that  I  need in new shirt  my  new smokind dress with discount  from You.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 08:53:27 pm by readfox »

Offline readfox

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Dear  users and  guests  of this   cyber  web "the Primitive Archer" !!
Bruneian // Brunese Party was fantastic!!!
Party it is  not work !!

One  old  chap  ( on dude  HIGH  BOSS )   was  so  polite, that promised to  send something  for Marc !
Just  now it is  connected   only  with  plane  and Diplomatic  post.
This  man is High  boss  of  Marc's   State, and  When He  keeps his promice, Marc   will  recieve something  and will be ablle  to show for  all of You something  too.