Author Topic: Proven bow wood lamination combinations  (Read 12057 times)

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Offline eflanders

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Proven bow wood lamination combinations
« on: February 01, 2011, 01:54:44 pm »
Fellow Bowyers,

I am trying to create a listing / spreadsheet of proven bow wood combinations without the use of fiberglass, carbon or kevlar.  Wood combinations that have been proven to be durable, non self-defeating and fast.  You experienced bowyers already know what backing woods work best with what core woods and belly woods because some woods are better in compression etc..  Because I and others are far less experienced in what combinations work best, I was hoping that many of you would be willing to contribute to this project?  Maybe this could become a sticky once it has been completed.  Here is what I have started.  Don't worry about the outlines and other things.  I will gladly clean it all up later once we have a good listing going... 

Offline denny

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Re: Proven bow wood lamination combinations
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2011, 02:25:29 pm »
I use hickory (with most all hard woods. ) for the backing. I use bamboo and all other woods as a backing, I use Hard Maple for backing for all woods, I use walnut for backing with all, except osage. I have found only osage and bamboo work the best. But I think you might be able to use maple or hickory.The problem is osage tends to over power other woods in my opinion.I have found white oak to be a backing material also if cut properly.I consider ash a good bow wood ,but needs backed . However I have made english bows all ash d- shape with no backing.Most board bows need backed as the growth ring has been violated. So unless you choose, cut the board , you back the bow or are at the mercy of nature. Hope this helps, Again this is some of my experiences only. Denny

Offline eflanders

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Re: Proven bow wood lamination combinations
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2011, 09:06:33 pm »
I understand that Bamboo and Hickory can back nearly all wood species.  But I also understand that some woods can/will over-power some others, Bamboo backed Hickory for example is not a highly recommended combination as Hickory is not good in compression.  Maybe it wood be easier to list the wood species by what ones are good for compression etc.?


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Re: Proven bow wood lamination combinations
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2011, 09:25:55 pm »
Bamboo backed Ipe.

Offline denny

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Re: Proven bow wood lamination combinations
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2011, 01:40:34 pm »
I make lotsa bows with hickory and boo and have no problems, but if I back osage with white woods it does eventually over power them. Hickory is by far a great backing material provided it is selected so. But makes bows with out backing when cut properly. If need be I could post photos of any combinations. My wood is all hand cut hand selected and kild dried. I prefer riff or kerf cut lumber for laminations. This allows me to control run offs better.I like hickory and ash and any other white wood combos. Although I haven't ever used hickory to back iron wood.I have found sugar maple to be the best maple to back bows with. It is a lovely wood to work with and is very strong. Hope this helped . Denny