Ok,Ill go one further.Native culture,and religion,were all but wiped out,by our US govt,untill the late 70's.Thats 1970's.It was illegal,for NDN people to practice their ways,and many were imprisoned and killed for such beliefs and actions.Now,you have every tom dick n harry New age culture vulture,in the country,spoutin NDN this,and NDN that.Pay at the Door,inipi cerimonies,and Sundances,with self appointed Wicasa wakans,as advisors.Native people,are flat sick of it and insulted.So when a person comes on to a website,or other forms of public media,,and claims are made,especially,to direct tribal affiliation,they can expect to have their credability checked.If the person,is on the level,then they have no worries,but if not,there are people who have organised a group,that check into these people and their claims.Law siuts are being filed,On the basis of identity theft.Many Nations have rights to their tribal names and customs,and dont take it lightly,that these are used by others,especially,if used for any kind of financial gain.