Author Topic: Eastern European artifacts  (Read 24777 times)

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Offline readfox

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Re: Eastern European artifacts
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2011, 10:22:04 am »
Dear  Wildman !

I have already given for Sailordad,  I mean very rare the Tataric Artifact  of  the Tataric Espionage Service and the Tataric Intelligence Service.
Sailordad  had   promised to me and for the  other  user ot this cyber web to show this very rare the Tataric Artifact Double Sicet Arrow of the Tataric Espionage Service  and the Tataric Intelligence Service for the another users  and the guests of this cyber web, but  unfortunatly His behaviour is realy much to be desired.

I don't know why.
May be He made  it  because of  envy?
He is unfortunatly is not owners  of His words.
May be He made  this  guesture not friendly to me  act becouse of  those instructions those were given for Him the others from this
cyber web ?   I don't nkow.  I can only   suppose.
I have my own copy-rights for all   the Tataric Artifacts including the Double Sicret Arrow of the Tataric Espionage  Services and the Tataric Intelligence Services.
My real  friend during  many years, Who is the Ambassador of one Scandinavian country will help to me make exibition and lectures in one State
of Scandinavia.
My points are deleted by the differents.........moderarers of the Pritiive  Archer or closed without real explanations !!
It proved that I did not  make the blunders about the coup against me here.

Who You are?
I mean Your profesion and education?
How old Are You?
Beast wishes.

This is the picture that readfox wanted to show
« Last Edit: February 08, 2011, 09:27:56 pm by Marc St Louis »

Offline sailordad

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Re: Eastern European artifacts
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2011, 12:43:20 am »
readfox, i did get the last pic you sent
however like your first pics you sent me
it was too large for me to post
i am not ver ycomputer smart so i couldnt figure out how to make it small enough for me to post
so i deleted it from my e-mail account

i am a man that honors his word
but like i said the picture file was too large and i couldnt figure out how to make it smaller
sorry for any inconvenience or any hard feeling i may have caused you

i do enjoy your artifact pictures
but please dont aske me to try and post more pics for you
as you seem to get upset when i am unable to do it for you
i am not a photo hosting site and am barely able to post pics that i take myself  ;)

once again i aplogize and hope i didnt cause any hard feelings
i always wanted a harley,untill it became the "thing to ride"
i ride because i love to,not to be part of the crowd

Offline Del the cat

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Re: Eastern European artifacts
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2011, 06:29:06 am »
Great pictures, thanks.
Health warning, these posts may contain traces of nut.

Offline readfox

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Re: Eastern European artifacts
« Reply #18 on: February 14, 2011, 12:34:59 pm »
Dear Del the cat  !
Thank You.
You have feeling of humer, I mean exprasion about the NUTS.
I love nuts  much. 


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Re: Eastern European artifacts
« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2011, 01:12:29 pm »
I love the artifacts readfox. It's nice to see artifacts nearly as ancient as some of our stone artifacts here in America, that are made of iron/bronze.

Thank you for sharing your photos!

Offline readfox

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Re: Eastern European artifacts
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2011, 02:05:42 pm »
Thank  You for warm words about artifact's collection.

Soon will be published my articale in one editorial and after it,  I will show the Tataric arms,  that was used by my the Tataric ancesttors against Mongolian aggresors.
We  - the  Tatars saved all Europen Nations,   as   We  did not  give this death arms'  know - how technique  for the Mongolians  killers.

It  gesture, that   costed   killing  50%  of the  Tatars,  as   after  our  rebelation the  Mongols had to returned  from the  Westen Europe,  The  Mongols  had  made  henoside  of the  Tatars - ( Cumanians = Kipchaks  and Boelgars, those are  blood ancestors  of us) , but these  2  acts - ( rebelation  and  not giving know - how technique ),  which were made by the Tatars  saved all Europen Nations   from the  Chemical  weaponce in 13 century.
For this  information by he Russians occupers of my Country Tatary - ( Tatarile ) - were killed a lot of the  Tataric Patriots  of my country Tatary - ( Tatarile ) -  and our friends in many European countries - ( The Poles, The Lithuanians,  The Frenchmen,  The Hungarians, The Swedes, The  Germans,  The  Norwegians,  The Danes, the  Catalans + The Spainyards, The Finns,  The Belgians - ( The Wallonians and The Flemishes), The Dutchmen, The  Roumanians,   The  Estonians, The  Portuguese).
It was Top-sicret inforfation many,  many centures. The same the Russian occupiers of my country made in Turkey and later in Japan,  there was information that somebody in Turkey or Japan  was going to  publish this information.
Information for this in the  aggressive Czar Rusian Empire  were under  fobidden  low,   for this information was  only the death  in the  Russian Empire of the Romanovs, that was called all Free European   Nations and the American Nation as "the Romanov's  Prison of the People"  and later  the same  for this  information  was not prison, but  only the death in   the totalitariian USSR,  that was called Your Hero  Prsident of the USA Ronald Regan,  as " The Empire of  Ivel.

I  hope, that  in  a couple of week You will see this arms.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 02:17:46 pm by readfox »

Offline readfox

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Re: Eastern European artifacts
« Reply #21 on: February 15, 2011, 09:27:52 pm »
Sailordad !!!

When friends of the future United States of America  with  the Tataric  backgrounds  from Austria-Hungary and  from  the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth that   at that   moment  was  occupied by Russian Aggressors   together  had   arived  on the  lands  of  the North American Colonies of  the   Great Britain,with the French friend of the USA  on the  name   Marquis Lafaet  for the helping  in  the  construction of Intelligenence  Service  of the future USA,   in the   second    another  group  that   sicretly arrived  were  the  Tatars of Austria -Hungary, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and were  the Tatars from  the Crimean Tatary  that   was   grasped by the Russian invaders, in 2 group there were  also   the Tatars from the former country of Tatars which was called earlier  Autochtonically - historical Rome-Catholic Cumania.              The second group has arrived together with the Great Person of the World, simultaneously, the Hungarian, the Polish, and  the  Slovakian  origin  on the name  of Maorits  August Banevsky.
The  Tatars have brought our Tataric   proverb  in  the USA!
«If   You were  deceived  by  the  man, it only  His  fault,  if you were deceived by the same person in the second time, it is  the  fault Both of you,  as   Him so  You.
But  if  that  who  had  deceived you  twice,  as  You  have believed  Him in the   second   time, and if same the  person  has deceived  You twice already  could  deceived  You  in the third time it is  the  fault only  You.  You  have believed in the third time  to  Him.

 Sailodad  !

I have tried to overcome myself to believe to you twice, you have offered  to  me the help as twice, I didn't ask you twice.  It   was  Your  personal  inisiative.
 I   didn't ask  help  of  You,  I  have  only asked:  “ Why  Haven’t  you  show  my  artifact ?
 For   Me  was  very much surprised that talking to you on email   post,  it  was  unexpected to me on the  question that  I   asked  You  personaly  I   have recieved  the answer from the  Pat  after  you with  those   questions which had  been addressed exclusively to you.  I  have written   about it  as  to You so  Pat. 
After  Pat  letter, of caurse,  sent  the  letter to Him as You,  but  I  have  been very much surprised.

Suddenly  after  it  you have become silent, as the guerrilla  before execution  after  my   qustions.
 Then after my request to the Mullet  he has become silent also like  You.
Suddenly you appeared again with the   suggestion  of  Your help, and now write that I  must not   ask You  about  the  help in the  Future  more.
No   I   haven’t   asked You   twice, it   was   the  only Your  personal   inisiative  in  the  suggesting  of the  help  to  me. 
But  after  these   two  events    to   ask  You  something  in the third time it will be simple unprecedented  follish   act from my  side.
The morals of this fable is  that,  the Great son of the USA   Lincoln Abraham  has altered the Tataric proverb and it began to sound really on another  way,  very much  pro-American.
Materials of Maoritsa  August Banevsky, Wijnblad, and Marquis Lafaet   tells  to   me  in  confirming of  wisdom of my Tataric  People. This wisdom has been left by records about my Tataric  People   by  the wise Son of France on the  name of Marquis Lafaet, the wise son of the USA Avraam Linkoln, the wise son of Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Moritst  August  Banevsky,  and the wise son of Sweden  Wijnblad.
Here to you the altered  variant of the Tataric  proverb  of  the Great American  on  the  name  of  Lincoln Abraham.
 "You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time".

In the life  of mine  I had  seen many fine people and many disgusting people.
Many  years  ago  I and my Mother  in my youth have rescued from  monsters  of KGB of one Dutch young  boy,   when in 1994 monsters of KGB have killed my  Mother and only  with   mirracle  I was saved   and  remained is alive when they these murderers of KGB have come  to kill me for these ARTIFACTS  and especially for ancient written documents,  which were stored by my  dinasty's  family during  many  centuries,   My Dutch friend had  betrayed me  at  that  moment  in many years later!
But  another  the  Dutch  man of whom I didn't know in general anithing, and  Which  did not  know  about me  anything  too have rescued me from  the  death  from KGB. Morals  from the  above  written words are  in  that.
It  is  very often help about the one who should help you,  in  Your   opinion,    on the   contary  betrays You,  and that from whom You don't wait  for  any  help  saved  You.

My  Mother has been killed  by  the same way,  as  was  killed  the Hungarian scientist  Mandoki, and then,  it  many  years  later  by the same  way was  killed   Litvenenko in London.
The  Hairs  all of  three   deceased were identical  colour,  but Litvineno have  been  killed simply   more large dose!!!
I   have in detail described  all  it, to   show  for  that,     I   have  seen  the  malicious much, and  I have  seen  a lot of good, as well as all my ancestors.

« Last Edit: February 16, 2011, 05:57:32 pm by readfox »

Offline RyanY

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Re: Eastern European artifacts
« Reply #22 on: February 16, 2011, 12:01:26 am »
What the eff is going on?  ???

Offline HoBow

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Re: Eastern European artifacts
« Reply #23 on: February 16, 2011, 12:05:08 am »
Jeff Utley- Atlanta GA

Offline ChrisM

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Re: Eastern European artifacts
« Reply #24 on: February 17, 2011, 06:36:12 pm »
Well maybe I'm just thick, but it looks to me that this arrowhead would be far better employed for fishing than whizzing secret messages about the place.
Two tines prevent the fish from spinning, the barbs keep it from coming off. Job done.

Offline readfox

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Re: Eastern European artifacts
« Reply #25 on: February 17, 2011, 06:47:10 pm »
  Dear  ChrisM  !!
It was message  arrow.
ChrisM !!!
It does not matter, that You are stout, a lot of Genious women  or  men  are in flash.
Cheer up.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2011, 07:16:14 pm by readfox »

Offline thomas h

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Re: Eastern European artifacts
« Reply #26 on: February 17, 2011, 09:04:19 pm »
looks like it might have been3 prong at one time.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 12:16:57 pm by thomas h »

Offline mullet

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Re: Eastern European artifacts
« Reply #27 on: February 17, 2011, 10:09:32 pm »
 Yea, looks like a 3 pronged, frog gig to me, too.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline readfox

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Re: Eastern European artifacts
« Reply #28 on: February 20, 2011, 08:01:37 pm »
looks like it might have been3 prong at one time.

I will try to make for You a  King's  present.
But my opportunity is  really  limited.

Offline keef

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Re: Eastern European artifacts
« Reply #29 on: February 24, 2011, 04:30:52 am »
 This is very entertaining...Please can we have some more! ;D