Author Topic: How do you make your split shafts?  (Read 1836 times)

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Offline iowabow

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How do you make your split shafts?
« on: December 30, 2010, 01:53:05 pm »
This is how I have been making mine. I cut red oak tree too 36 inches then split the round log into quarters. I take the quarter and start splitting 1/2 x 1/2 inch staves then I put a plane in a vise and pull the stave across it to knock off the corners. Now I have an eight sided arrow that I continue working smaller until it is 600/700 grain and then sand too 500 grain while I watch the spine. It would be great to hear how others are doing it.
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Offline Pat B

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Re: How do you make your split shafts?
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2010, 02:09:50 pm »
I've never split our shafting but have used 3/8"x3/8" cut stock and used your same method of reducing it to size and weight.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline Bevan R.

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Re: How do you make your split shafts?
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2010, 02:41:32 pm »
Splurged a couple years ago and bought a 'shaft shooter'.  >:D
Cut 3/8 inch stock and run it through the shooter, out comes a shaft ready to sand.
Bowmakers are a little bent, but knappers are just plain flaky.

Offline Hillbilly

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Re: How do you make your split shafts?
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2011, 08:49:09 pm »
I have made some white pine arrows by splitting the log into 8ths, then splitting those eighths down into 3/8" -1/2" thick "boards" with a froe. I run the "boards" through my table saw to cut them into squares (less waste than splitting them for me,) then hand-planed the squares into shafts. Makes some good arrows.
Smoky Mountains, NC

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