Bad day today. Started well as I finally got the bow on a short string and took a bad picture putting the camera on my workmate.

But, it wasn't a good shot. Good enough to see that right limb needed more scraping inboard. So, I did that, shortened the string a little and brought my tripod over to take a proper picture. I was looking at the camera screen framing the shot and evidently not paying attention to how far and hard I was pulling when the bow went BANG. Been a long time since I had a blow explode like this one did. It took me a minute to find the pieces. Now it's a 3-piece.

I'm not sure if the limb broke on a knot, or along one of the weather checking cracks on the side. There was some old insect damage there too. Not sure if the recurve at the other end broke a the same time or when that piece of the bow hit the floor hard. I suspect the latter.

Too bad, it was still carrying about an inch of reflex when it broke. At least the glue joints held to the end. Guess my wife gets a couple new paint stirrers.

Have another bow out there to work on at about the same stage. Trying to decide what to build next... Perhaps my osage backing strips are dry enough to go on the ipe I bought a while ago?