Author Topic: Just for the record books...  (Read 29139 times)

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Offline johnston

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Re: Just for the record books...
« Reply #75 on: October 20, 2011, 05:56:54 pm »
John we are all pulling for ya. Please just go find a deer and kill the damn thing.


Offline iowabow

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Re: Just for the record books...
« Reply #76 on: October 20, 2011, 07:30:01 pm »
lol I know man! this is really an unbelievable tale With each shot I think this is it and then I come up empty. Everyone should get a laugh out of what you are about to read. I was a medal winning military shooter that competed against other branches and countries. At that time I worked really hard to be a great marksman. I approached this challenge with the same attitude, I worked really hard to be the best marksman with this bow that I can be. I have only been doing this for 1 deer season and this is my second so I am not going to be to hard on myself. Now on the other hand I have had more than my fair share of chances. The count is 25 shoots no deer but the up side is that I did not have to shoot 18 times for the next hit so I am getting a lot better. This year I have fired 5 times, got hair on one deer, hit twice and two clean misses. These are deer that I watch all year from the house so I feel real bad about the bad hits but I know that they were not fatal. I try real hard to focus on the next hunt and not on the failures. Each hunt teaches me how to react for the next one. I am getting real good at running through the process to make a good shot. Now 25 shots is still something to be proud of because that takes some really good hunting skills to accomplish that! I am a much better hunter now because I have been hunting primitive. Sorry for the long post.
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Offline johnston

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Re: Just for the record books...
« Reply #77 on: October 20, 2011, 10:54:56 pm »
A primitive bow is the hardest thing to shoot well that I have ever tried. I have been involved with competitive firearm shooting for almost 45 years . Had three ranges set up just down the road at my father-in-law's farm. When he died a couple of years ago the family decided to cut the timber so that a  little money would be there for the ma-in-law. All of my ranges were destroyed. That was the incentive for me to take up archery full time cause I gotta shoot something. Never intended to build bows. That just sorta happened. Haven't been at it but about 18 months. Guess I am better than I was but sure have a long way to go.

You are having a truly memorable time period in your hunting life.  Twenty five shots at deer in less than 2 seasons. At bow range.If you ever decide to sneak up on me , tell me first. And John, as you already know, a 40# bow will easily do the job. Don't blame you for changing up in fact it makes perfect sense.

You next shot should be at that damn monkey on your back.


Offline iowabow

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Re: Just for the record books...
« Reply #78 on: October 21, 2011, 11:52:41 pm »
I finish the bow and took it out for a short hunt tonight.  I had a buck walk right into the stand and stop at 40 yards and just stand for about 10 mins.  Then he laid down and just looked forward in my direction for and hour while I stood and tried to shift my weight from foot to foot.  Then stood up and walk around at forty yards for another 45 minutes then walked off.  Now this sounds like a real bad deal but it was the buck that I saw fighting at the beginning of the season. This is the buck that lost an antler.  I was not real excited about shooting a 2 point buck.  All I could think of was a picture of me with my first deer with a busted rack.  Truth is I would have been glad to have the meat. Kinda cool to spend 3 hours deer hunting and have 2 hours of it filled with watching a deer.  I have his timing down now!
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Offline H Rhodes

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Re: Just for the record books...
« Reply #79 on: October 22, 2011, 12:21:27 pm »
I have missed about a dozen deer with both compounds and recurves....  All shooting over them.... 

I watched an old vhs tape slowed down of archery kill shots.  A whitetail deer's first move at the hint of danger is straight down.  Like a runner dropping into the starting block.  They are faster than our arrows, I promise you.  I started shooting for a point about midway between the heart and the deer's knee.  I started making nice heart/lung hits after that.  I still miss some deer, but it sure has gotten better. 

 Pick a spot... where he will drop to when your arrow arrives.  This tendancy to shoot high is magnified when you shoot from a treestand.  I have gotten best results from placing my little lock on stand about  six to eight feet off the ground.  I don't think you have to be that high off the ground to be effective.

Your equipment and your shooting are fine.

Hope this helps.  anyway, I certainly admire your tenacity.  Good luck.
Gautier, Mississippi

Offline iowabow

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Re: Just for the record books...
« Reply #80 on: October 23, 2011, 03:10:47 pm »
I just don't know why thing will not come together with this primitive stuff I have fired at 26 deer and not kill one yet.  This morning I shot a deer at 10 yards and the deer was able to turn before the arrow arrived and it was hit in the front (not side) shoulder.  She was broad side to me sniffing the air.  I released the arrow and watch the deer turn before the arrow made it to the spot I had picked. No blood trail. Arrow gone and point gone.  Searched for hours hoping the deer would put the arrow so I would not have to make another.   If I was hunting with a wheel bow I would have killed a couple of herds.  I am not sure what I could have done differently.  I did everything text book.  This was just not meant to happen.  Headed back out this afternoon to try a new piece of ground.
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Offline iowabow

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Re: Just for the record books...
« Reply #81 on: October 23, 2011, 03:21:11 pm »
I was hunting with the 40lbs bow not the new one because the finish is not dry
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Offline iowabow

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Re: Just for the record books...
« Reply #82 on: October 24, 2011, 04:36:02 pm »
Hunted the new ground and found a good spot. I saw three deer using a creek to make their way to an open field. As I was leaving a neighbor was waiting at my truck and wanted to know who I was and what I was doing (neighborhood watch country style). After filling him in on the details he told me that the deer I saw cross every night in the same place. So I have inside info that works with the sighting info. The spot is deep in a valley with steep 45 degree sides. I have a plan now and I just need the right wind to make it happen now. I think if I place myself 15yards up the hill and shoot down might be the plan. A stand would be to high and I would be sighted as they were moving in from above. I have been placing cover between me and the deer so I can see the approach and be at 1/4 draw a second before they step out into an opening. I just don't like being down in the valley but I have no other options. Any suggestion on a step up like this. It is a V shaped valley no access to the ground they are coming in from. They cut straight down from the side of the ridge to the creek. and only are on the ground for 200 yards and using the creek bed as a trail before they hit the field. I cant hunt the field.
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Offline gstoneberg

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Re: Just for the record books...
« Reply #83 on: October 24, 2011, 08:17:45 pm »

I don't like to hunt ravines if the deer are traveling their length as the wind almost always follows the ravine no matter how it blows up on the flat ground.  However, if you have a spot where they pretty much cross and you can get the prevailing wind in the gully blowing your way it can be a deadly setup.  I don't see anything wrong with your plan as long as you aren't skylit.  Murphy dictates that all deer killed in a ravine run to the very bottom.  ;)

Good luck.
St Paul, TX

Offline H Rhodes

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Re: Just for the record books...
« Reply #84 on: October 25, 2011, 06:56:19 pm »
 :o  Come on brother!  You got me checking this thread everyday now!  I think that the little ravine sounds like a great place to end this drought.  I want to see some bright red results in a photo soon.  Pulling for you down in Alabama. 
Gautier, Mississippi

Offline iowabow

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Re: Just for the record books...
« Reply #85 on: October 26, 2011, 12:26:11 pm »
OK here is the set up...nasty wind in my woods going every direction and a doe walks in at 7:23 I manage to stand up and get my feet like I want and the deer walks to 25 turns broadside like it is going back where it came from and I let an arrow fly.  It missed by 4 inches deer spooks and runs toward me 5 yards I notch an arrow only inch by inch whenever the deer is looking around to figure things out (i am getting good at doing that because I have had a lot of practice). it looks like it is going to walk to my right and I come to half draw one more step and it's a done deal but unexpectedly it turns to my left into a huge opening and it is looking the opposite direction so I come to full draw and hold 1 seconds as I check everything and I release the arrow. It goes into the feathers but is a little to far back. The 53 lbs bow passed through the deer. I got out of the stand 30 minutes later and saw blood on the ground right where I hit her. I trailed the deer 150 yards and noticed that she was headed for thick cover so I called off the search for 6 hours till I am off work and she has time to bleed out. The trail is a wash with blood and coming out both sides. Feet are dragging, the deer left the main trail for cover so things don't look good for the doe.
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Offline gstoneberg

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Re: Just for the record books...
« Reply #86 on: October 26, 2011, 01:44:22 pm »
Woohoo. I'm betting your drought is over. Hope you find her pronto.

St Paul, TX

Offline johnston

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Re: Just for the record books...
« Reply #87 on: October 26, 2011, 02:29:30 pm »
Told you that a stronger bow would do it ::) ::)!


Offline Ranger B

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Re: Just for the record books...
« Reply #88 on: October 26, 2011, 04:20:14 pm »
Volumes have been argued on this subject across many forums on the internet so I'll be careful what I say here.  If shooting the bow instinctively isn't working for you don't feel like less of a man for try an aiming technique.  I chuckled when I read some of the comments that say with a rifle or muzzleloader the hunter doesn't miss.  No, because you are aiming the rifle at a spot.  If you do the same with a bow you will most likely hit.  I would even suggest you mark your riser with a marker to know where you should aim for 15 yards and get a clean kill than wound deer trying to make it happen.  There is nothing wrong with instinctive shooting but just like everyone doesn't hit a jump shot on the basketball court naturally, not everyone can look at a spot and hit it right off with a bow.  Again, this isn't a measure of manhood, but rather an enjoyable sport in which you find success.  At the end of the day you are going out to kill an animal so I would suggest you experiment with some aiming techniques.  I'd be glad to help out if you want some suggestions.  Till then best of luck.

Offline H Rhodes

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Re: Just for the record books...
« Reply #89 on: October 26, 2011, 09:01:55 pm »
Okay!  this sounds promising.  a pass through.  A good bloodtrail.  Outstanding! 

To me, there is a big difference in forty lbs. of bow and fifty plus... I have killed deer with a recurve pulling forty-three lbs., but I do most of my hunting with bows right around fifty.  Man, I admire your sticking to this and getting it done!  Lots of folks would have thrown in the towel. 

I hope this story ends with some savory anecdote about backstraps or tenderloins.....
Gautier, Mississippi