as advised i went back to the short string. i am seeing that im starting to get close to what is considered a bow. i talked with pat b on the phone this a.m. , he dispelled a few mysteries for me, about the use of steel tools and some of the situations i was experiencing. such as a washboard effect, when using a scraping tool perpendicular to the belly of said to alternate scrapes just to remove the the high spots. this morning after talking with mr pat , i had to make a modifaction to the tree , so i could place the bow on the tree while braced. after a 4 sessions of scraping and exercising the limbs for 100 reps between sessions this is where im at. this is a pic of 4 1/2" braced

this is a pic at 15" of draw

i have absolutely no idea what the draw weight is @ 15" i do realize i need to start paying close attention to a target draw weight and length . i also realize that the right limb, character limb is always on the right needs more work, about mid limb . am i right on these ? ruddy