Author Topic: longbow or recurve?  (Read 6718 times)

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Offline stickbender

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Re: longbow or recurve?
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2010, 02:59:11 am »

     Ditto, to all the above.  Speed isn't everything.  It makes for a flatter trajectory, and pass throughs.  But if you are worrying about an arrow only going 150 plus ft/per second, not being able to make a clean kill, don't.  Just keep your range within good accuracy.  Case in point my Buddy in Montana who now hunts with a compound, and regularly takes Deer, and Elk, killed his first Deer when he was a teenager, in Michigan, which was  a nice sized Doe with a 25lb target bow and a broadhead.  Shot her at about 20yds.  The main thing, with bows or guns is practice, and Knowing your weapon.  It's plus and it's minus, in different situations.  And be confident in your ability with it.  How does it shoot with different brand, and or weight bullets, or how does the bow shoot with different weight, spined, length, arrows, broadhead, versus target points, etc.  These are things that should be second nature to you when you set out to hunt.  It makes for a more humane kill, and a lot less work by not having to be searching till dark, and the next day.  ;)


Offline Ryano

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Re: longbow or recurve?
« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2010, 11:16:43 am »
What about a hybrid? They are the best of both worlds in my opinion.
Its November, I'm gone hunt'in.......
Osage is still better.....