Author Topic: Girlfriends bow  (Read 6499 times)

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Offline adb

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Re: Girlfriends bow
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2010, 07:23:51 pm »
Im gonna have to agree with the majority on how that bends
I give ya credit for the effort
But if you truly like that girl ya got
Personaly i wouldnt let her shoot that thing just for her safety and well being
I'd have to agree... I wouldn't let anyone shoot that either.

Offline bucksbuoy

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Re: Girlfriends bow
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2010, 01:28:33 am »
well apparently my girlfriend has a little more gumption then some folks around here. she shot it but broke the serving and ended up stealing my recurve. I knew she would.  :)
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Offline adb

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Re: Girlfriends bow
« Reply #17 on: November 30, 2010, 01:34:41 am »
I believe, perhaps, that you have a responsibility to behave in your girlfriends best interests, and not yours.

Offline stickbender

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Re: Girlfriends bow
« Reply #18 on: November 30, 2010, 03:05:16 am »

     Amazing alright! :o  But I would not mess with it any more.  I would put it up, with pictures of it, just to show what it can take, and then build one with a more normal tiller.  I wouldn't let her shoot it any more.  If it should break on her, you could have a very cold summer, as well as winter ! ;) ::) ::)

Offline bucksbuoy

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Re: Girlfriends bow
« Reply #19 on: November 30, 2010, 03:25:14 am »
Im sorry adb, but you feel that you can pass judgement on me based on a single full draw picture? you can look at one blurry image and immediately determine that, not only is a bow no good, but overtly dangerous? not to mention you see fit to attack my character and suggest that I am endangering my girl friend, again, based on a single, blurry, full draw picture. boy, Ill tell you what....

Frank, Wayne, thanks for the compliment. This bow was an experiment and I have no grand intentions for it. It just so happened that the things rocks. Still, If the girlfriend takes any real interest in archery, Ill buy her a bow. Or she can pick from the three store bought kids bows that I have on hand.

J.W. you are a man after my own heart. for sure.

Cameroo I think you coined a new term "V" bow!

George you always give great advice, thank you
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Offline kiltedcelt

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Re: Girlfriends bow
« Reply #20 on: November 30, 2010, 04:03:13 am »

Don't get too bent outta shape there. Everyone who has posted something about this bow has very nicely tried to explain that you've tillered it to bend in an unsafe manner. Take into account for a second that at least three people who've replied to your post easily have at least 2000 more posts on this forum than you do. I personally don't think adb was making any kind of personal attack on you. He was merely cautioning you that the way you've tillered your bow it is likely to break. I don't know, maybe you'll keep shooting this and prove us all wrong, but plain and simple - your bow is ONLY bending in the handle. Even if it doesn't break, it's still woefully inefficient. You've got the lengthy expanse of both limbs which aren't doing any work. All the work is being done by 1/3 of the bows length and all in the handle area. Also, as at least one other poster mentioned, you never tiller a bow to 26" and then draw it 30". That's just asking for it at best to take a bunch more set, and worst break outright, and probably in your hand. If it breaks in your hand you'll be lucky if you walk away with only a bump on the head or a split lip. At the worst it could take your eye out. You may have followed the general shape for a Leni Lenape bow but I guarantee you there's no American Indian bow out there that is tillered to bend only in the handle and nowhere else along the length of the limbs. Nobody is out to roast you here, some folks (with a LOT of experience), are just trying to gently point out your mistakes and hopefully help you become a better bowyer.

Offline Thwackaddict

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Re: Girlfriends bow
« Reply #21 on: November 30, 2010, 07:56:22 am »
Well said Matt, I agree no ones bashing your character or knockin your bow.They are good people and jus tryin to help.And your pic looks good far as I can tell.Hope it holds!Cool looking bow and interestin that birch is bending that far.Keep us posted on it!
Hello everyone.My name is Randy and I am addicted to THWACK!!


Offline adb

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Re: Girlfriends bow
« Reply #22 on: November 30, 2010, 10:21:05 am »

I believe, perhaps, that you have misinterpreted my intent. This is not a personal attack on you. I think I also have a responsibility. As a slightly more experienced bowyer, I think it is important to offer honest and truthful advice.
Yes, I can tell from your picture, how your bow is bending at full draw. You are in a position of trust with your girlfriend, and she does trust your judgement. I don't think the bow you are handing her is safe to shoot. Maintain her trust, and build her a bow which is safe.

Offline bucksbuoy

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Re: Girlfriends bow
« Reply #23 on: November 30, 2010, 12:03:57 pm »
is this an archery site or relationship counseling? adb Ive seen your work. you build beautiful bows and I repect your opinion. but i dont really appreciate being told what my responsibilities are. and i certaintly dont appreciate being told, repeatedly I might add, what i should "let" or "not let" my girlfriend do.
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Offline kiltedcelt

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Re: Girlfriends bow
« Reply #24 on: November 30, 2010, 03:06:26 pm »
Keep in mind this is a D bow. Its supposed to bend through the handle more then any were else.

No. A D-bow bends evenly over it's entire length, not just in the handle. A D-bow has a CIRCULAR tiller, not a V-shaped tiller. Heck, I don't know of any bow, historical or otherwise that has a V-shaped tiller. At the best this bow is inefficient, at the worst it's downright dangerous. No, this is not a relationship counseling forum. It is in fact a forum dedicated to archery where some EXTREMELY KNOWLEDGEABLE folks have given you some very good advice to not shoot this poorly tillered bow any more, let alone give it to innocent bystanders to shoot. I know of at least one bowyer who LOST AN EYE when a bow blew up at full draw, FROM BEING OVERDRAWN, which you yourself mention having done with this bow. You mention at one point overdrawing this bow 9 inches past it's intended draw length! Some folks who know way more about bows are trying to give you some good advice which is this: Your bow is potentially unsafe. To continue shooting it yourself is, well it's your face. To let someone else shoot it is... negligent. There's the advice, take it or leave it.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 03:10:36 pm by kiltedcelt »

Offline Cameroo

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Re: Girlfriends bow
« Reply #25 on: November 30, 2010, 04:28:54 pm »
Ive always heard that the Leni Lenape aka Delaware natives of my area shot yellow birch bows 48" long, an inch wide all the way to the tips... uniform belly to back thickness.

I missed this post.  But if that's how they made them, it sounds like you could make a replica just by ripping a board with 2 cuts on a table saw!