Author Topic: compare tiger bamboo shafts with japanese kuydo bamboo shaft  (Read 6268 times)

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Offline stiventiger

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compare tiger bamboo shafts with japanese kuydo bamboo shaft
« on: November 24, 2010, 10:08:37 pm »
after see some links of japanese bamboo shafts making video,i have below personal idea:
1)bamboo material:
first we must make careful selection to choice all in natural tonkin(thicker wall) bamboo very straight sticks,japanese as if not make selection(it is very very important)and their bamboo wall is thinner(easy to broken)
2)we sand bamboo skin out:use 95-99% machine work and a little hand to adjust it,1 minutes 1 person we can do 5-10 pcs,japanese sand 1 pcs use 20-30 minutes,and machine sand are more avarage and hand sand is very boring work and easy to make some thick and some thinner.
3)heating way:japanese may be use 1000years ago way,heat them inside the hole and without carbonation process,we first heat them inside sand and straighten 3-4 times and before leaving factory,we must straighten i time again and we must be pass them in 1 steel carbon stove:that is most important process:to make all shafts's spine in uniform at each part and each direction,japanese way(go and back repeat by hand) can't make it uniform heating on bamboo and their bamboo shafts spine is not possible to uniform,as their temperture is too higher(inside almost fire):it is easy to broken the bamboo when production and manty times repeat shoot,we use lower temperature and long time heating to make bamboo fibre very stiff and uniforn spine( to fly directly at target)on each part of bamboo inside and outside.
3) 1 japanese always make straighten when he do the process,we make 4-5times hand straighten on concentrate time,no necessary always straighten them,as bamboo have natural relect force,his reapeat straighten way is wasting his enough and time and not good results(somebady tell me they always make starighten again before each shoot,our shft no necessary tostraighten before shoot,just take them to shoot and after some month ,may be straighten 1 time if weather is too humid)
4)japanese make 1 hole from end to top of bamboo (to make it light weight)to use heated iron stick,we never do this way,this way will let shafts become very weak,may be you can crash the shaft just by shoes,our shafts each nodes is closed as natural status:very very hard to anti heavy crash and pressing and attack force.
5)japanese do bamboo shafts only 1 person,we have 8-10 person,each person do 1 process,like first straight,sand the skin,second and third straighten,each process we have each worker for more than 5-10year more,japanese way is very easy to get tired for new person,we don't and each person become this process expert after many times repeat work.
6)japanese painting is 100% hand painting,we print our logo or another pattern use machine,his way need 10 minutes,our machine print just less 1 second
7)our bamboo process use a lot of machine and modern process to instead of hand work(hand is easy to tired and can't ganrantee quality stable) :to keep stable quality and japanese way need minimum 10-20 years pratice and get alot of exprence and it is naturally belong to family business and may be they copied chinese way 1000 years ago( i guess,japanese learn a lot of from china,even their language system) .no modern way at all,even old way is not scientific.
8)japanese salary is very higher,of course such slowly 100% hand work will cost much money than chinese modern and faster produce process.
japanese way:1 person may be produce 5-10-30(maximum) pcs/day,chinese way:1 chinese can do 100-300pcs/day( quite simple and easy) is poosible
so,i think our shafts is better spine uniforn(fly very directly line at long distance) and very stiff(repeat time shoot no damage) than japanese kuydo bamboo shafts,(not uniforn spine and very weak shaft),you must shoot them with most carefull:not shoot at rock or hard wood for breaking the shaft:that is a lot money!!!)
of course our price is much better than japanese:only about 1/20th compare with japanese bamboo shafts.i worry their bamboo shafts will be finished if they permit me to sell into japanese market(they protect themself noramlly,as it is their japanese tranditional culture) and korean way is almost 99% copy japanese way.
i think japanese should copy my modern process way if they want to continue survive on making bamboo shafts.but almost of them are very pride and always think their products is best quality.i don't agree it

Offline HoBow

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Re: compare tiger bamboo shafts with japanese kuydo bamboo shaft
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2010, 10:33:03 pm »
I gather you believe the Chinese to be superior to the Japanese ;D
Jeff Utley- Atlanta GA

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Re: compare tiger bamboo shafts with japanese kuydo bamboo shaft
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2010, 10:51:44 pm »
 I want to try some of these super shafts your making. I have a bunch of trade goods, what do you be needing ? Let's trade !  '  Frank
Frank (The Sparrow) Pataha, Washington

Offline stiventiger

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Re: compare tiger bamboo shafts with japanese kuydo bamboo shaft
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2010, 12:06:33 am »
I want to try some of these super shafts your making. I have a bunch of trade goods, what do you be needing ? Let's trade !  '  Frank
NP,send to your message will get many money deal with me

Offline stiventiger

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Re: compare tiger bamboo shafts with japanese kuydo bamboo shaft
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2010, 12:07:11 am »
I gather you believe the Chinese to be superior to the Japanese ;D
yes,i am sure for it

Offline NTD

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Re: compare tiger bamboo shafts with japanese kuydo bamboo shaft
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2010, 01:08:18 am »
Tiger, are you set up as an advertiser with PA yet? 
Nate Danforth

Offline stiventiger

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Re: compare tiger bamboo shafts with japanese kuydo bamboo shaft
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2010, 01:20:46 am »
Tiger, are you set up as an advertiser with PA yet? 
already done

Offline ken75

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Re: compare tiger bamboo shafts with japanese kuydo bamboo shaft
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2010, 12:57:39 am »
shipping outta be a kick in the butt !  >:D

Offline NTD

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Re: compare tiger bamboo shafts with japanese kuydo bamboo shaft
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2010, 12:59:31 am »
Tiger, are you set up as an advertiser with PA yet? 
already done

Very cool, good to hear!
Nate Danforth