Off course they fought literary for lives, but as I said if you cannot do it without special training, which you have to sustain, its not worth it.
Hello Jaro,
Does this sound like 'special' training to you?
1. Start shooting at the age of 7 under the tutorage of an experienced personal trainer
2. Shoot every week on Sunday, this is compulsory.
3. As soon as you are master of a bow, you will be given a stronger bow. Oh don't worry if it will have a negative effect on tender young joints/bone etc. That's not the primary concern.
4. All other leisure activities will be discouraged or banned as they will dilute your primary activity.
5. You will get good nutrition and be about the average height of an Englishman in the 1940's.
6. You will be provided with equipment, the quality of which, cannot be matched at any other time in history.
7. Continue this procedure (by law) and there will be excellent financial and prestige incentives.
Sounds familiar? I don't think there is any evidence that our ancestors would have shot as well if they hadn't done the above and then continued until they were too crocked to carry on or rich enough to stop. I suppose it boils down to what your definition of sustainability is in this instance. I would not as presumptuous as to assume that we are capable of replicating the loft achievements our ancestors, even with 'special training'. I couldn't get anywhere close without.
Glad you are here on this site.