Author Topic: Something old something new  (Read 2131 times)

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Offline AncientArcher76

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Something old something new
« on: October 27, 2010, 04:11:55 pm »
Hi guys wanted to share some stuff been working on and with hunting season here I have been busy.  Also been working hard on getting an AtlAtl club/class started as well. I have been making many arrows using traditional methods and recently with the purchase of a fletching jig I decided to give some precut feathers a go.  WOW how easy it is but I still like hand cutting everything.  Its good to know if u were ever in a survival mode.  I also had made a good trade recently with someone on here and I tried out for the first time a shield cut feather chopper.  It works good it surely takes practice to get things right.  Thanks guys for looking!


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Time, dedication, cuts, tons of broken rock, a wife, and perhaps a few girlfriends are some of what it takes in becoming a skilled flint knapper!!!
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Offline aero86

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Re: Something old something new
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2010, 12:04:27 am »
looks good!  what kind of chopper did you get?  mine is tiny, but has a part on tip that is wooden, that i tap once or twice with a hammer and it cuts perfectly. 

ive tried a fletching jig, but it puts the fletchings too far forward for my taste, so i just hand attach all mine now.  its rather labor intensive, but after dozen's of arrows, ive got a system down that works pretty good.  even went with fletch tape for a while, but no more..
profsaffel  "clogs like the devil" I always figured Lucifer to be more of a disco kind of guy.

Offline AncientArcher76

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Re: Something old something new
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2010, 12:53:15 am »
Thanks for the comments! The jig is kinda neet as u can use multiple fletching styles and u can adjust the distance from the knocks.  This is my first time and as far as the chopper same thing it cuts 5" shield cut I use a rubber mallet tap once and boom.  Once in awhile it cuts crooked but practice makes perfect.  Thanks!

Time, dedication, cuts, tons of broken rock, a wife, and perhaps a few girlfriends are some of what it takes in becoming a skilled flint knapper!!!
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Offline jonathan creason

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Re: Something old something new
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2010, 09:19:29 am »
Those look great, Russ.  Glad that chopper is working out for you.

I saw a little tutorial somewhere a little while back on making a feather holder to get a cleaner cut.  Basically you use a thiin piece of tin or something glued to a popsicle stick to hold the feather down while you chop.  Keeps it from moving around.
Cleveland, NC

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Offline aero86

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Re: Something old something new
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2010, 09:28:31 am »
yeah, my fletcher was an easy fletcher.. thats why! but, with my chopper, i got it down where i used my pinky and index finger to hold the feather down, while i brought the top of the chopper done.  THAT took lots of practice lol
profsaffel  "clogs like the devil" I always figured Lucifer to be more of a disco kind of guy.

Offline AncientArcher76

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Re: Something old something new
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2010, 11:46:20 am »
Yeah thanks Johnathan hey hows the flint knapping working out???  I found that using the feather chopper to have things lined up exact or when u chop sometimes it dont cut clean or if u bang it with a hammer it will move and have a messed up cut!  Thanks for the responses!

Time, dedication, cuts, tons of broken rock, a wife, and perhaps a few girlfriends are some of what it takes in becoming a skilled flint knapper!!!
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Offline Parnell

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Re: Something old something new
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2010, 01:56:46 pm »
Those look good Russ, what are you using for shafting materials?

Offline AncientArcher76

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Re: Something old something new
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2010, 01:17:56 pm »
I use 200 year old cedar boards from those big white pillars from them old buildings... also I use mountain ash its
light flexable and makes some hard hitting arrows... thanx Parnell
Time, dedication, cuts, tons of broken rock, a wife, and perhaps a few girlfriends are some of what it takes in becoming a skilled flint knapper!!!
"Ancient Art"  by R. Hill