I find that the bamboo flooring makes quite a good bow. I have two, the first one I missed weight because bamboo gives up poundage really really fast. The second bow, after putting 2 inchs of reflex in it, it is a 4 lam bow, bamboo backed, and is 64" nock to nock and 52# @ 27". After shooting and huning with the bow for 2 seasons, it still has only 1/2 set.

I also have two other bamboo flooring bows. One is 60" NTN, 42lbs at 26" and a 64 NTN R/D that is 44lbs at 26" The 60" bow took the most set because i did not put enough reflex in it and made it with a rounded belly instead of a flat belly, and that one that 1 1/2 set.