Author Topic: Looking For a Good Source of Knapp-able stone  (Read 11622 times)

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Offline CLevar

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Looking For a Good Source of Knapp-able stone
« on: August 26, 2010, 01:07:36 pm »

Been knapping on and off for a few years, picking up scraps from art fairs and the like to work with.  Not great at it, but have a few small points I am happy with.  I would like to find a source of good quality material so that I can get into this hobby more.   I am planning on building a bow (see my other post), with the eventual goal of taking a deer with self made equipment.  I live in Northern Minnesota.  Any suggestions are appreciated.



Offline warhawk

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Re: Looking For a Good Source of Knapp-able stone
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2010, 04:00:17 pm »
I got this information from a website :

The Eastern Raw Material Resource Region includes parts of north central, northeastern, and east central Minnesota. The region is partly mantled by till (glacial sediment), but it also includes large bedrock exposures. The glacial sediments come mostly from northeastern sources. Characteristic raw materials include Jasper Taconite, Gunflint Silica, siltstone, and Lake Superior agate. Less common materials include Kakabeka chert, Biwabik Silica, and Hudson Bay Lowland chert.

 i hope this helps you .
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Offline arappaho

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Re: Looking For a Good Source of Knapp-able stone
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2010, 04:35:35 pm »
Hey CLevar, Looks like warhawk and I are on the same trail. :)
Seems like everyone up there has a hard time finding good knapping material.  ;)
The first thing that comes to mind is the Knife River flint of North Dakota. It's a beautiful material
and if you just Google it you ought to come up with all the info you need.

Right where you're at it seems Chert and Agate are about it. Because of all the glacial action up there,
I would try your gravel bars in the creeks and rivers. Nodules of the chert may have gotten washed out.
You would just have to sit there with your rock hammer and bust alot of rock until you find a piece that
looks like it might work. I know that may sound like a longshot, but it can be fun and there's really no
telling what you might find. The agate up there is beautiful, as you probably know, but it's hard stuff
and hard to find pieces large enough to use for knapping.
The silicified sandstone might be a good material, too. And it might have some nice fossils in it.
Here are a couple of links I found about Minnesota material; (I hope they work),

Notice on this next site that all the material listed is the same chemical composition, SiO2, which is the same for quartz.
Chert, flint, jasper, and agate all are chalcedony. The more pure, or white, materials are just called chalcedony.
But they are all basically cryptocrystalline quartz.
Not trying to get you sidetracked here, but I think it helps when hunting to know a little about the animal
you're hunting. Here's that other site;

And here's the link to a fellow rockhound just north of you who has recently started knapping and hunting
for knapping material. Check out his site;

Anyway, I hope this helps you some. And just remember, there's always empty beer bottles. ;)

Best of Luck,  Joe

Offline CLevar

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Re: Looking For a Good Source of Knapp-able stone
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2010, 04:41:52 pm »
Beer bottles!?!?! They are for refilling with homebrew.  But yeah, I have made some neat points out of the bottom of jars and bottles.  Just not the same as from a raw material though.

There is plenty of jasper up north, which I know is mostly silica, but looking at it I didn't see how I would be able to knapp it (have not tried).  It is very pretty though...the ferrihydrite in it gives it a great red color.  One problem may be WHERE I was looking at it...1/2 mile underground in a old blasted mine...rock shatters weird under those forces.

Thanks for the information!


Offline Hardawaypoints

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Re: Looking For a Good Source of Knapp-able stone
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2010, 05:32:20 pm »
There are also plenty of good rock dealers out there who would be happy to send you some quality knapping material.  Yeah, you'll have to pay for it, but theirs is a pretty sure thing.  You won't have to worry about frost-fractured or blast fractured rock like you might have to carry out & burn fuel in your vehicle to get, or even worse you could come up empty-handed. Rock runs are fun, but not always productive. Most of what is offered for sale by good rock dealers has been high graded and the bad stuff weeded out because the rock dealer wants to keep you as a client and their reputation. You usually get what you pay for, though people are people and there are some snakes in the grass out there.

I hope this helps.

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Offline sailordad

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Re: Looking For a Good Source of Knapp-able stone
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2010, 06:46:45 pm »
clevar, dont waste your time looking for any good rock other than agate here in mn
im in the st cloud area and ve been looking for 2 yrs and have yet to find anything more than a pebble
sometimes you can get lucky,if you spend countless hours walking fields,and find ayourself a decent sized agate
you best bet is find a rock shop near that might have some obsidion and or cherts or jaspers
or if you can wait untill february there is a knapp in in milaca called"the cryo knapp",and one in the summer there also it is known as the "hairy mosquito knapp in"
then there the one in lake benton(way southern mn) called "the hedohka knapp in"

other wise ifn you want some practice material drop me a pm and i'll send you a pic or two of some

where at in northern mn are you?
i always wanted a harley,untill it became the "thing to ride"
i ride because i love to,not to be part of the crowd

Offline CLevar

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Re: Looking For a Good Source of Knapp-able stone
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2010, 07:41:15 pm »
Originally from Duluth, but now split my time between grad school in the cities, the cabin in Ely, and the folks' in Duluth.

I know I can get loads of decent jasper...though what miners call "jasper" may not actually be good for anything I am interested in.  I will likely just get some decent flint or chert online.  Can anyone recommend a specific seller?

Thanks for all your help.  You guys are awesome.


Offline sailordad

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Re: Looking For a Good Source of Knapp-able stone
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2010, 07:55:59 pm »
clevar,i get alot of stuff from a few differant folks on line

Leapingbear on this site and paleoplanet sells some nice materials every now and again
also jcinpc on this site and plaeoplanet has the best coral around
i also get some from caveman2533(i think i have his screen name right)always was fair with me
then theres pbblepimp over on paleoplanet,has some real killer basidian
these guys here have all treated me more than fair and have always given me my $$ worth and then some too
if your in the area let me know ahead of time and you can stop over
we'll do some chipping together

never know what ya might leave with too ;)
i always wanted a harley,untill it became the "thing to ride"
i ride because i love to,not to be part of the crowd

Offline mullet

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Re: Looking For a Good Source of Knapp-able stone
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2010, 10:35:39 pm »
 As far as people, what Tim said. Jesse (leapingbare) would be my first choice.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline jcinpc

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Re: Looking For a Good Source of Knapp-able stone
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2010, 01:58:16 am »
thanks Eddie your off my Christmas card list for sure

Jesse is good people
also check out Richard here, his stuff is real cheap,but good stuff if your into buying rock,hahaha
« Last Edit: August 27, 2010, 10:37:58 am by jcinpc »

Offline caveman2533

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Re: Looking For a Good Source of Knapp-able stone
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2010, 01:59:01 am »
The jasper may respond to heat treating. I have seen some pretty coarse jaspers turn slick as anything with the right heat temp.

Offline mullet

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Re: Looking For a Good Source of Knapp-able stone
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2010, 08:03:31 pm »
 Sorry about that, Jeff :-[. If you want some killer Coral get ahold of JCPC. ;D
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline jcinpc

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Re: Looking For a Good Source of Knapp-able stone
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2010, 11:17:52 pm »
Im cool,lol he probably wouldnt want to mess with coral as a starter rock, this local chert yes, coral , doubt it.. River is REAL high right now

Offline mullet

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Re: Looking For a Good Source of Knapp-able stone
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2010, 12:26:49 am »
 Yea, Jeff I saw it. So's the Little and Big Manatee River.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?