Author Topic: Not too late!  (Read 10939 times)

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Offline Tsalagi

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Re: Not too late!
« Reply #15 on: August 21, 2010, 01:22:43 pm »
 Sailordad, I was playing along. Sorry, but my sense of humor is as weird as I am. No offense was meant or intended (or taken).  ;D Really, Sailordad, my sense of humor is just quirky like this. Just who I am. But if you want a real laugh out of me, watch me trying to do math, LOL!!!  ;D

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Offline sailordad

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Re: Not too late!
« Reply #16 on: August 21, 2010, 02:54:19 pm »
all right,all is forgiven
sometimes humor has a hard time being interpreted in the right context on the computer ;)
so like i said,all is forgiven

but now with the topic on hand
were talking about surving in an apocolyptice type society
which is exactly what the move "THE POSTMAN" was all about
in the movie it showed how groups of people whom could rely on each other could survive thru the toughest of times with out monetary wealth
or gold and silver boulion,as far as a crusty bum goes.well as long as there are leaves and such,im good to go.figurativly and literaly  ;D
i always wanted a harley,untill it became the "thing to ride"
i ride because i love to,not to be part of the crowd

Offline Tsalagi

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Re: Not too late!
« Reply #17 on: August 21, 2010, 04:23:38 pm »
No problem, Sailordad.  :D

We need a thread over in the Cavemen and Primitive Skills Sections: Primitive toilet "paper". We don't want anyone making a decidedly bad error with poison ivy.  :o

Anyone ever thought how gambling would go after the end of civilization? "Awright, I'll see your two rolls of pre-fall-o-society toilet paper and raise you two rolls and a bottle of pre-fall gen-yew-wine ketchup! The "good stuff", too, not the store brand!"

« Last Edit: August 21, 2010, 04:32:26 pm by Tsalagi »
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Offline sailordad

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Re: Not too late!
« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2010, 07:48:30 pm »
well when the time comes,and i believe it will in our lifetimes
i am finding me some bass wood trees,mother natures toilet paper dispenser
they have large round leaves,and when the y dry they get kinda paper like
a handfull of them and you good to go,literally and figuratively
and they are not poisonous either
i always wanted a harley,untill it became the "thing to ride"
i ride because i love to,not to be part of the crowd

Offline zenmonkeyman

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Re: Not too late!
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2010, 01:11:01 am »
Our lifetime, yes.  Probably within your kids' hamster's lifetime.  Here's a nice wide-ranging interview about the state of the world:
If the ppl ever allow private banks to control their currency, 1st by inflation, then by deflation, the banks & corporations that will grow up around (these banks) will deprive the ppl of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. Thomas Jefferson

Offline Tsalagi

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Re: Not too late!
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2010, 02:21:27 am »
AS SEEN ON TV! Genuine Gold Bullion! Only $7995.95!!! Operators standing by! Call 1-800-FLEECEME

But wait! There's more! If you act now and call (operators standing by!) in your order for Gold Bullion today, we'll throw in ab-so-lute-ly free a handy combination deep fried onion slicer, tomato corer, toenail clipper, and pocket air raid siren. Again, it's ab-so-lute-ly free! You might ask, "Why an air raid siren?" Because, that's the sound everyone knows means the end of everything as we know it---no more Sex and the City on TV, no more .99 cent grab bags of Doritos and no more Twinkies or Ding Dongs!  That's why we're giving those out ab-so-lute-ly free when you invest your life savings in Gen-yew-wine Gold Bullion!

Now, we all know things are coming to an end. How will you be prepared? Have you asked yourself this question? Stockpiling toilet paper? It's not enough! Learning how to eat acorns? It's not enough! Because history shows that starving people all over the world have one thing and one thing only on their minds: Gold Bullion! Folks, we're offering this once-in-a-lietime, er, lifetime deal to not only be prepared for life after the season finale of Sex and the City and other society-crashing events that lead to social upheaval, riots in the streets, and women refusing to wear sensible shoes, but also to be prepared to be the despot of your own little kingdom! That's right! For only $7995.95 per shipment of genuine Gold Bullion, we'll also throw in ab-so-lute-ly free, the funny hat of your choice that entitles you to the grand leadership title of your choice! That's a $99.95 value all by itself!

But wait! There's STILL more! We're going to throw in ab-so-lute-ly free, a genuine copy of the first-edition VHS of Gigli! Again, ab-so-lute-ly free! Now, we know what you're thinking----"Why would I cash in my 401k and buy a bunch of chintzy nickel-alloy coins electroplated with gold and worth only a fraction of what they're selling them for?" Well, the answer is obvious! You'll feel better...much, much better. Remember when you ate all those habanero peppers and how much better you felt after they had totally passed through your digestive tract and made a painful final exit? Well, just like that, it'll hurt to spend that much money on something tangibly of less value than those habaneor peppers, but you will FEEL so much better after having spent that money! Don't believe us? Don't take our word for it! Go to the shoe department at Macy's and ask the women there how much better they feel having purchased that 567th pair of shoes! So what are you waiting for! OPERATORS ARE STANDING BY!
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Offline Tsalagi

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Re: Not too late!
« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2010, 02:36:19 am »
Hi folks! I'm Harry Throckmorton. You might know me from TV where I was an extra on the hit TV shows The Mod Squad and Police Woman. I made good money in TV. But I know where to invest it---in gold. That's why I want to share my secret with you. See, no one is going to tell you the truth. It's all coming to an end. Pre-washed and packaged salads, Miracle Whip, Cap'n Crunch breakfast cereal, Croc shoes, even good ol' breaded fish sticks. They'll be things of the past when the economy collapses. That's why I bought gold. No, you can't wipe your butt with it like you'll be able to with the worthless paper money. But there are more important things in life than stain-free underwear. Like having a pile of gold coins you can roll in like Scrooge McDuck. That feels better than playing strip Twister in the dark with everyone at the bar after everyone has had eight or nine margaritas. Well, almost better. But, folks, don't delay. I heard the economy is collapsing soon. See, that's why we're selling the gold bullion instead of keeping it for ourselves if it's that critical for survival---because we're just such swell guys. And we care about you.

DON'T DELAY!! CALL TODAY!! Operators are standing by!
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Offline NTD

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Re: Not too late!
« Reply #22 on: August 23, 2010, 03:51:57 am »
 ;D ;D ;D See Kevan, That's what I'm talking about.  Thanks for the laugh ;)
Nate Danforth

Offline zenmonkeyman

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Re: Not too late!
« Reply #23 on: August 23, 2010, 09:31:24 pm »
You'll remember in the spring I tried to help you.
If the ppl ever allow private banks to control their currency, 1st by inflation, then by deflation, the banks & corporations that will grow up around (these banks) will deprive the ppl of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. Thomas Jefferson

Offline Postman

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Re: Not too late!
« Reply #24 on: August 23, 2010, 10:37:34 pm »
That movie was supposed to be about ME, but they screwed it up in the rewrite. They need to re-do it and get Zach Galafanakis to play me, not Costner.

In the trailer, there's gonna be a scene where he kills off 10 guys for a chest of  boullion only to discover it's only dehydrated soup.
"Leave the gun....Take the cannoli"

John Poster -  Western VA

Offline Jesse

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Re: Not too late!
« Reply #25 on: August 23, 2010, 11:55:44 pm »
I'm with you on this, zen. I don't have any wealth to convert to gold, but I believe you are right in your assessment of the value of the dollar crumbling in the near future. Just wanted to let you know that you weren't the only one that felt this way. I believe that when the crash comes, it will happen with great swiftness. I pray to be wrong on this.  
I dont think you guys are wrong about the dollar collapsing. I believe there will be one world currency in the future.  Bad Idea but its where we are headed :(
"If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere."
    --Frank A. Clark

Offline sailordad

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Re: Not too late!
« Reply #26 on: August 24, 2010, 12:09:45 am »
I'm with you on this, zen. I don't have any wealth to convert to gold, but I believe you are right in your assessment of the value of the dollar crumbling in the near future. Just wanted to let you know that you weren't the only one that felt this way. I believe that when the crash comes, it will happen with great swiftness. I pray to be wrong on this.  
I dont think you guys are wrong about the dollar collapsing. I believe there will be one world currency in the future.  Bad Idea but its where we are headed :(

yup and that EURO  is working wonderfully over in europe aint it  ;D
i always wanted a harley,untill it became the "thing to ride"
i ride because i love to,not to be part of the crowd

Offline HoBow

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Re: Not too late!
« Reply #27 on: August 24, 2010, 12:15:20 am »
Mostly in Greece ;)
Jeff Utley- Atlanta GA

Offline Tsalagi

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Re: Not too late!
« Reply #28 on: August 24, 2010, 12:42:46 am »

Zenmoneyman, know what I'll be remembering in the spring? All the firewood I cut over the summer and burned, all the mushrooms we harvested and had over the winter and still have lots left over, all the arrows I'll make over the winter waiting to be shot, all the jackrabbits and cottontails out there awaiting the Tsalagi School of Cooking, and a lot more things that make life a joy. See, Zen, I've seen this before. I'm, let's see, 43 I think (I stopped counting.) I was still a kid but saw Weather Underground, and SDS come and go, saw the back-to-the-land communes come and go, saw the 1980s survivalists come and go, saw the 1990s militias come and go, saw the Y2K Sky-Is-Falling hysteria come and go, and this is one more fad that will come and go. We will see in spring, since you've set that as a benchmark. If it happens, it happens. But if it doesn't, rest assured I will be here to say I told you so. But color me jaded when I say this "buy gold" thing is a scam of epic proportions. Here's why:

You're telling us---based on what these people tell you---that the currency is going to be worthless so soon, it's right around the corner. Ok, so then why are these people selling the gold they say is absolutely critical for survival for that worthless paper money? Hmmmm? Thought about that? If those people really knew something, they would hoard that gold and, thus, emerge successful, correct? But, no, they're exchanging that thing they say is much more valuable for that which they say is worthless. And know why that is? Because they know they're pulling another Soapy Smith scam and preying on peoples' fears. The very worst kind of con artist. They don't actually believe in what they're saying, because if they did, they'd never part with that gold. Gold is a finite commodity. I've actually been out to active gold mines and it takes a lot of earth-moving to extract an ounce of gold. But these guys are exchanging that for that paper money they're telling you is worthless. Logic informs you right away of the swindle. Just like Soapy Smith got people to pay $5 for a bar of soap in the late 1800s in the off chance (actually impossible chance, because Soapy rigged the game) that they might get $100 for their investment. This is no different. If the currency does collapse and society does crash, all the gold in FT Knox won't get you a sack of wheat. These charlatans know that, too.

So, no, I learned a long time ago that if something sounds like a scam, it usually is. People are scared, and here come the wolves to fleece the sheep with this "buy gold" scam that used to be confined to the pages of rags like National Enquirer and Argosy magazine "back in the day" (the 1970s.) LIke I said, Zen, I've seen this before. Survivalists and their South African gold kruggerands. And after the USSR collapsed, you almost couldn't give kruggerands away. The classified ads were full of them for sale.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2010, 12:55:38 am by Tsalagi »
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Offline zenmonkeyman

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Re: Not too late!
« Reply #29 on: August 24, 2010, 02:23:08 am »
Thanks, Tsalagi, but I'd already determined that your opinion is a knee-jerk reaction, remember?  ;D

Thanks Jesse and Scott, I was feeling pretty lonely here.  I feel like it's my Christian duty to warn folks, but it's a hard sell, especially when a Tsalagi or two start in.  I too hope things will turn around but remember that line from Rocky about hoping in one hand, and doing "something else" in the other?  I especially worry about folks carrying debt.  You know darn well the banks will call in the loans the instant caviar starts to increase in price.  Maybe our governments will do the right thing for once and protect the debtors.  That's a pretty big maybe, though, since the banks own our governments.
If the ppl ever allow private banks to control their currency, 1st by inflation, then by deflation, the banks & corporations that will grow up around (these banks) will deprive the ppl of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. Thomas Jefferson