Hey, it's my first post. I've been reading lots of fascinating articles on the forum, and thought I'd ask for some advise. I've got about 6 bows behind me, though only 2 of them shoot, and they're both red oak.

I'm currently working on a hickory back purple heart bow, and would like recommendations, as the last bow I made is now a 'trophy bow' and the one before that experienced 'explosive decompression.'
The two woods are glued together with TB3, approximately 72" long. The hickory is somewhere between 1/4" and 1/8" (yay for a rasp, hand planer, and a cabinet scraper). The PH is a remnant from a prior bow, so the center is the thinest part at about 3/4". I could cut a riser out of one of the ends to stiffen it up. I'm hoping to get about a 40# bow out of this one. I'm thinking of trying to do a stiff handle with a shelf, so that I can use it for target archery.
I'll be out over the weekend, but hope to hear recommendations for dimensions. Thanks, and keep up the archery.