Author Topic: Snakebow help  (Read 24181 times)

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Offline Pat B

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Re: Snakebow help
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2007, 04:27:52 pm »
Justin We have black and king snakes here that would eat your little gopher snakes as snacks. ;D  Had one around our house a few years back that was at least 7' and maybe 8". Years ago when I had a custom leather shop I tanned an Eastern Diamond Back that I mounted on a piece of plywood that was 18" wide and 8' long. That skin went over all 4 sides with a quite bit left over.  :o Pat   
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Offline Justin Snyder

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Re: Snakebow help
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2007, 05:10:05 pm »
These can get to 9', but I haven't seen one that length for 20 years. To many cars and people.  My brother had rattle snakes in a big pen when we were young.  I threw one of those 6 foot king snakes in and it ate a 4 foot rattler. I was kind of in trouble.  The difference between these and the big rattlers is that the scales on this one are still small and the skin is still thin.  Ill bet Eddie has some snakes that would eat them all. Justin
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