I've got a nice hickory stave from Mike at PineHollow Longbows. Finally got 'er ripped down to the first growth ring and I am almost disappointed with how plain it is!!!
I have been working with osage character staves that have lotsa pin knots and twisted limbs and cracks and all kinds of crap. Then I got this straightgrained hickory with no knots, no twist, no problems to deal with and I hardly know what to do with myself. I followed the radial grain down the center of the stave and I might have just as well grabbed a bloody chalkline and snapped the line. I'm talking seriously straight. I couldn't mess up this stave unless I went after it with a chainsaw while drunk and suffering a serious head injury!
Yeah, Mike will sell you a good quality, plain grain hickory bowstave for a decent price. I recommend this for your first stave bow because it has a high chance of becoming a decent bow for you right outa the gate. The boards he sells will be ok, too. Build one of those to get your feet wet, then order one of his hickory staves. Then keep ordering more staves from more and more dealers until your family leaves you and your friends stop calling. Just give in, you know you are already addicted!