jp gray , If it would help, I will send you a perfect bow stave cut to your dementions or mine. And you can hack away. Just give me something towards shipping. There again you don't know me ,but I am a little closer than a lumber yard. Choosing a board is really important and straight grain is off the essence . I didn't me to head you in the wrong direction, with the ash at the lumber yard. I just don't know your suppliers. Sometimes you can walk in a wood supply store and fine the board you desire. But usually you have to sort thru alot to find the perfect one for a selfbow, And I have done all the above at homedepot and read a lot of u tube biuld alongs of red oak boards that broke . Make the bow long and wide and back with some of the backing jawges suggested. and you should do well. Jawges no hard feelings taken. Was just my opinion, I get so little time these days to comment on the forum . I should slow down on the typing and think thru what I said. You will fine I am a honest careing guy and would not intentionally give bad advise. Some times I guess we have to read between the lines (assuming ). Anyway , thanks for allowing me to share. Denny