I've built, hunted, and given away a number of pyramid bows. I've found you really need to keep the arrow weight at 10-12 gpp (grains per pound) of draw weight to get a smooth, quiet, soft release. That said, you also want your arrows to have a pretty good foc (front of center) mass to maintain good arrow flight. Consider it like this:
If you look at a dart, the weight is nearly all up front. The thing flies like...well, a dart. The fletching has to do very little work because there's not a lot of weight draggin' along at the butt end of the arrow. Let's assume that dart weighs 500 grains. Now, take the same size fletching and put it on a 10 penny nail that is the same length and weight as the dart. Will is throw the same? NOPE! The fletching can't hope to stabilize it because there's too much weight on the butt end. So, you want a good deal of your arrow weight situated up front.
Next, a heavy arrow may fly slower, but it will pack more punch out of the same bow than a lighter weight arrow. It's the difference between hitting a car hood with a ball peen hammer and a 4 pound sledge hammer. You're still swinging with the same arm...the sledge will travel slower...but the sledge will leave a bigger dent. Keep your shots to 20 yards or under, release quiet and smooth, and you'll be fine.
If you're bow is pulling 53# @28" and your points are 145 grains, that means you need an arrow shaft that weighs around 385-400 grains to be in the 10 gpp ballpark. If you find that they're not penetrating enough, or that perhaps the shafts are spined a bit too heavy (i.e. they're too stiff), consider adding a small brass footing as such:

You can get this brass tubing at most hardware stores. Add about 1" of 5/16 tubing will add about 80 grains to the arrow. Plus, the more weight you have up front, the less the effective spine of the arrow is. That is, it will come of the bow like a shaft with a lower spine weight.
It really all depends on your shafts, a lot of practice and tuning, and some patience. Hope this helps, guy!
PS Good choice on the 2-blade broadhead! You're learning quick, youngin'!
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