Author Topic: arrow speed , bows performance  (Read 4299 times)

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Offline Lukasz Nawalny

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  • Lukasz Nawalny
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arrow speed , bows performance
« on: May 02, 2010, 05:39:17 pm »
Last time I was on traditional archery tournament in Poland with my chrono.Here we have results - bows was tested at 28 inch draw lenght and 9 gpp arrow weight. Draw weight in KG not in lb - lb 0,453 kg. Bisok - most popular in Poland bowyer in fg/wood technology -

1.fg reflex  13 kg self made - 115 fps
2 .fg reflex  22kg self made- 125 fps
3. youth longbow Bisok 15 kg - 135 fps
4  reflex Bisok 14 kg  - 145 fps
5.Grozer hungarian nomad G1 - 149 fps
6.reflex Bisok 16 kg - 150 fps
7.SKB ( samick korean reflex bow)18 kg  - 150 fps
8.SKB 21 kg  - 150 fps
9.SKB 14 kg  - 150 fps
10.Turkish Grozer 17 kg - 151 fps
11.fg longbow with reflex Bisok 22 kg - 154 fps
12.fg longbow with reflex,bisok 20 kg  - 154 fps
13.fg longbow with reflex 21,Bisok - 154 fps
14 fg simple longbow,Bisok - 155 fps
15.fg longbow with reflex Bisok 27 kg ,- 155 fps
16.Olympic bow POLARIS 18 kg , - 164 fps
17. flatbow with reflex black locust 15 kg my production - 165 fps
18. Grozer turkish 27 kg  - 169 fps
19. Grozer Scythian 21 kg - 170 fps
20. yew longbow 19 kg - 172 fps