I have only done a few sinew backed bows so I am learning as I go. I used hide glue this time. My friend Alan gave me enough to back a bow with. I sanded the back, toothed it ,wiped down with alcohol and began the sinewing within a few hours.
Fusizoli, I plan to make a horn bow in the near future and will probably try to use fish bladder glue or other high quality hide glue for that.
Danny, I don't know if you can overheat Knox or not. I know if the glue it too hot the sinew will shriveled up and become useless.
Kenneth, Elkie is your bow! She will be fit and ready for September in Salt Creek. I've got my bendy osage recurve with cherry bark backing and I'm making myself another "ELK" hunting bow!

Glad to hear you'll be home soon. Just weekends at home would drive me crazy. Plus the honey do list gets bigger from one weekend to the next.

I'm been pulling the hills around here a bit harder when I'm out for a walk and trudging through the woods with 6"+ of snow on the ground is like having 10# leg weights on each leg. Kenneth, send me an e-mail. I tried to email you this morning with pics but got rejecter with 2 old email addresses I used.