A fellow that I work with asked me to make him a bow from a tree on his land that is soon to be put into a land trust. He brought me an 8" diameter Hop Hornbeam log about 8' long. It was pretty darn straight and split fairly well. Luckily, in the current issue of Primitive Archer, there is a question in Marc St.Louis' column about this wood. I'd like just a little bit more guidance here.
I've been VERY careful about bark removal. What I need to know is this : is the cambium layer typically a pinkish color, and do I need to remove all of it or can I leave a thin layer of it on and not worry that it will crack / lift after I apply the finish to the bow??
I'm skeptical about trying to skin all of it off, as I don't want to violate that precious first growth ring on the back!!! I'm making this one 1.5" wide to just past mid limb then taper to 1/2" tips. 68" NTN. Shooting for low 50#'s.
Oh .....by the way, should I heat treat the belly to improve performance, and at what point

Thanks Much !!!!