Author Topic: Archaic Shelter, Tools, Bones  (Read 11691 times)

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Offline stickbender

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Re: Archaic Shelter, Tools, Bones
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2010, 02:45:28 am »

     Nah, just being silly. ::)  I agree, there are some very interesting things in history, that happened at about the same time of each other, yet thousands of miles away from each other.  Kon Tiki was an example of theory on that.  They say that man has only been in the us for so long etc.  But they can't explain a human skull that was found encased in lime stone here in Fla. .......or flint tools, atlatl points, etc. also encased in limestone.  It is definitely interesting at the least. ;)


Offline Jude

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Re: Archaic Shelter, Tools, Bones
« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2010, 03:19:10 pm »
A while back, I was surfing the net, looking for information on the colonization of the Americas.  I think it was your fault Dane, because you were looking for Neolithic/Archaeic clothing ideas, and that got me started.  I found some interesting stuff.  The established theory was that the Americas were colonized from Asia in three unrelated waves, represented by South American, North American, and Arctic Natives, with the first wave being about 12,000 years ago.  In contrast, genetic marker studies of those three groups indicate that they are all closely related and have been separated from Asian populations for over 20,000 years, and that North America and the Arctic were colonized from the south, with some Arctic natives passing back into Siberia from Alaska.  Another item I found was information on Kennebec Man, the remains of an 8000 year old "Caucasoid" man from Oregon, complete with a healed over piece of stone spearpoint lodged in his hip.  His discovery opened a can of worms over the possibility of Paleolithic Europeans colonizing America.  One Archeologist came forward with the claim that 10000 years ago, that shape of skull was common throughout the world and the regional variations in skull shape we see today arose during the neolithic and later, when people settled down.  If that is true, it indicates to me that paleolithic people spread far and fast, taking their technology with them, before they had much chance to develop the regional variations we like to refer to as Races.  Things like skin pigmentation would have been among the first to change, in response to low light levels, for Vitamin D production, but changes in bone structure took longer to occur.  I think we see so many similarities around the world in Stone Age technology, because early humans spread across the globe so quickly.  JMHO Jude
"Not all those that wander are lost."--Tolkien
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Offline square shooter

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Re: Archaic Shelter, Tools, Bones
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2010, 04:04:37 am »
A good scorce of info is America BC by Berry Fell. Also there is
Much info saying the ancients traveled around the world much.