Author Topic: Blunts  (Read 5489 times)

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Offline Steve Cover

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Re: Blunts
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2010, 06:35:12 pm »
I put empty 38 Spl, 357 Mag, or a custom sized and cut down 30-30 brass into the pan of my powder scale and dribble small birdshot until the weight is about 150 Grains.

A quick pass through a propane torch flame and I have a throw away blunt.

Keenan, has taken this much farther, and I'm eager to try to duplicate (In a fashion) his wicked looking arrow heads.... Tough to call something that menacing a blunt...

Having an arrow that grabbs the turf and acuses the arrow to tumble on top of the brush like a $3 + Zikey Judo rather than burrow in, never to be found, like my current arrows, is also very appealing.

I also, am going to explore the Nutter concept.  I have several 3lb coffee cans full of saved hardware.  There should be several old 3/8" nuts in there.  Being a world class cheapskate, I love the idea of free Blunts.

I appreciate all the feedback.


Offline The Gopher

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Re: Blunts
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2010, 03:19:42 pm »
I use 38 special casings with a bit of lead in them to bring the weight up.

I also use nutters, but use 3/8" lock nuts, the kind that have a "collar" on oen side and a nylon ring on the inside. the collar adds some weight, last i checked i think the 3/8" lock nuts i had weighed right about 120 grains, where a "normal" 3/8" nut was about 80 or so. you can also look for some "normal" 3/8" nuts that are abotu 1.5 times the length of the others, i think they are for heavy duty applications or something.
45# at 27"

Offline riarcher

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Re: Blunts
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2010, 02:03:04 am »
Hear are a few that I made, these were my first experiments with home made judo's, they are a little crude but I've got those warheads perfected now and they work great. The center is sharp ground to sever the wings and legs of small game.

 My bad here are the pics.

I'm going to remember that!
When I start needing points for the Bamboo,, I'm going to try it on a double headed nail! I like it!  ;D
I'll bet with a flu-flu it'll work better than the Pellet gun on garden critters too.
From the Stripercoast of Rhode Island