You might get one or two.

Thanks for sharing Mark2 , it was fun watching you work on it. I am back at the house for the New year with just me and Miss Joanie, then back to the cabin for the weekend. I have had a good week down there, several friends showed up to visit and I got a lot done in the shop, we are up to 26 Hickory stave ready or almost ready and I also got my 2 big hides brained/pre smoked and now in the pulling/stretching and getting them dry stage, good thing is with pre smoking them is I can pull on them until I get tired and then wrap them in a bag, put them in the fridge and pull latter when I am all rested up,

so I have them under control. Pulling and stretching them big hide just wear me down, I told someone this week that if I every start 2 at a time again , kick me, they said that's what you said last year.

Hope yall have a good one also, I will have some pictures Monday of the fun. Life is Good.
