Ya Chad we need to,Eddie and Dave let me down this year on them but they say they will do better next year now that they know the rules.

Good luck Tomi on your hunt,shoot
straight and bring home some meat.Jesse sound like a good spot,hope you hammer down.
How did yall do at Ft. Campbell ? didn't hear from you so I figured yall didn't do any good.
I went for my MRI yesterday ,so I hope I can figure out what is causing the dizzy spells before
I get up in a tree,I'll strap in good but may have to call some of my buddy's to get me down if it acts up.

By the way Jesse ,I have been hunting deer a long time and still don't know the difference in a buck track and a big doe,I have heard that a lot,maybe someone needs to show me. Just because there are dew prints behind the track don't make it a buck,does have them also. I have seen does make them a lot ,especially in softer ground or running. A really big bucks track will kind of turn out
as they walk but other than that I don't know the difference.Maybe you can teach me something else.

When you get caught up a little and we get through opening weekend we need to get on the hides,the freezer is full so we don't have anywhere to put any more.
