DBar,Yes their is usually plenty of deer to be seen the opening weekend of deer season which is the last leg of the Whitetail Classic,we have a shoot on the 14th of September and then when/if you kill a deer or Turkey you bring it down to be weighted and checked,you get a point per pound and 5 points for antler tines added to your course score. Lots going on mid day when folks are out of the woods.Come visit,should be a practice range set but if not we always have the bails to shoot on. Great weekend,got the ranges set and most of the clean up done in prepration for the up coming charity shoot this coming weekend,also had a little shop time.

Got some bow work done/arrows made up and some knife work in progress. Here are a few pictures of the fun.

Rocky's bow in the works and the points and blade Will made for me out of pappyite from my creek,very cool,thanks Will.
