Very up and down weekend for me,it rained most of it so my bow work and shafts
were put on hold,did manage to get a few things done and had lot of company,my Sadie girl is very very sick,

didn't think she would make it through the nigh Friday but as of this morning about 1:30am she was still with us,no better ,just slowing going away I am afraid.

She don't seem to be hurting so that's a good thing. Pat I got 5 of the sourwoods worked up and spined pretty close but out in the weather they gained about 30 or 40 grains so I put them up to dry out and stabilize before I shoot them.

Got the tip finished on my Osage but same thing,the wet weather so I didn't want to bend on it till it dries out a bit. :)Here are a few pictures of the weekend.

Sour wood spined and weighted and trade points for the up coming season.
