Not me Mark,maybe some of the others.Joe has a couple and that will be a BIG plenty for me.They are really cool but a bear to brain tan.Looking forward to seeing you and the Misses.

Had a good weekend,little snow and pretty cold for us but fun just the same. I told Will Saturday evening,I really didn't get much finished but seemed to stay busy the whole weekend. I got Miss Joanie another bird house,double deck and got the tips on my trade bow and a few knife
handled sealed up and that about.Had a good crowd tho and help with other projects.Here are some pictures of the fun. Also my trade bow came in beautiful
work and shoots nice.ERC with Hickory back Molly. Got lots of pictures and will post them in the bow thread also.

Some hides in the works, single bird house,Tips and grip on trade bow. Jon took this old Jerry Hill quiver I bought from Jerry about 30 years ago at Cloverdale,it was getting in bad shape,he made it look like new,Thanks Jon. Much appreciated.
