Friday again and we have some big plans for the weekend,we have a club meeting Sat.
to start making plans for the up comming 3 d season.We have a 2 day shoot in March witch is to me kind of a warm up for the Tn. Classic.We are also going to Crown King Ron [Knot head] so it should
be fun.I plane on doing a little bow work and if it is Dry we are going to cut some wood.[Fire wood]
Got to have fire to.The high is supposed to be 28 and low in the single digits so it will take a lot of wood.I am sure we will have some good cooking,if I can keep castiron out of the whiskey,Just
kidding he don't drink it he wasts it in cobbler

Not sure what else for the main course but I bet we come up with something.Yall have a good weekend and I will have some pictures Monday.
