Friday !!!! headed to the Cabin and can't wait,been a long week. Got Kevin's stave off the form yesterday and then put it back on for a little tweaking,I plan on steaming mine this evening and getting it reflexed and straightened. It's only 1 1/2 years old so I plan on steam. Also got a club meeting and working in the morning ,we are making plans for the 20th Deer Classic coming up early September.This is a fun shoot for us,laid back ,18 deer and 2 turkey targets at real hunting range.score 10-8- -3 outside kill then opening weekend bring your deer in and you get a point and 5 points per legal antler tine. Add the 2 together and fine a winner,lots of cooking and shooting the bull Saturday and Sunday night ,it's over at 9pm Sunday night,also get to see a lot of Deer/Turkey with usually a few yots thrown in. It's time to get stuff ready for the up coming season so I plane on some of that also this weekend. Hope yall have a good one.See ya Monday.
Life is Good.
