A couple of them would be nice.Bigger the better. Thanks Stave.See yall in a month. I had a great weekend,got a lot done,Beau came out Sat. morning and helped the old man get the rest of my deer stands out,

Almost time to put them up again.

I also got my cow horn fixed so it works better now,needed a bigger hole also made a smaller one.I traded for a blade while I was in PA,I got the handle put on it. GregB and his brother was down working on knives,and JohnT and art also showed up along with some regulars.Got my camper straightened and repack from my trip and the grass mowed so I am caught up for a while. Now we start getting ready for the IBO world,another big job,hopefully when this is over in mid July I can get some rest.

Here are a few pictures of the weekend.John finely got the Bow and quiver set he won at the Classic,he loved it and said it would be hung in a nice spot right beside his fireplace.

Hope yall had a good one also.
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