Ya they look good,and were.

We had 3 guys from Germany 1 from CA. and Joe from Wyoming.
Lot from up North, also the UP and Wisconsin. HatchA ,yes that is what that is,some forget but I try and get everyone to put a pin where they are from,pretty cool to look at later. Finely Friday,I plan on heading to the cabin this evening,still got some clean/straighten to do but about have everything back in shape. I need to take dow my deer stands,should have already done that but I always put it off till the Classic is over. I have a couple of blades to put handles on,Miss Joanie gave me my Fathers day gift early,1 dagger and 2 nice blades she bought from Jesse at our first shoot.
VerY nice and will make some fine knives.

Also got a bunch of Trukey wings to process.The one I killed and 3 more sets I think,who knows I might even get another,This is the last weekend
for Turkey so I may give them one more try. I have only been out twice so far. O ya also need to mow,that is never done.

Hope yall have a good one also .Life is good.
