Glad to hear all is going good with you Pete,wished I had time to help,let me know if you need anything I can help with.Good news on King Ron also,he is looking and feeling as good or better than could be expected,so thing could have been a lot worse all the way around.I finely got back to the Cabin Sat. evening,man what a relief after a hectic week.

Done a little more picking up and cleaning up but things are looking much better.The shop looks funny with all the straw but really feels pretty good under some tired feet. Kevin[loose feather] had been there all day working on the camp ground and drive,that boy can do wonders with the box blade. GregB was there working on knives so I decided to put a couple of handles on some gifts given to me at the Classic[TimO and Yazoo'sDAD]Thanks.

I got the finished all but sealer.Then when all by my self I just sat by the fire and relaxed,
nothing like it for me,things were so quite and peaceful,O what a difference a week makes. I love the hussel and bussell of the Classic but also enjoy the peace and quite sometimes,just to think and give thanks. Hope yall had a good one also. Life is good.

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