Wished yall did also,it was a great weekend,had a lot of friends down and also everyone got a lot done,we ate good also,Turkey breast Friday night and deer roast Sat. night wit all the fixings.
Shanon got some napping done and bows finished up,GregB got some knife work done,Jesse got some napping done and also a fluting jig made[it's cool] Jeremiah got his Hickory bow shooting and skins[from Shanon] and tip on it is looking good.Woody done some squirrel hunting and done well at that.I got some stuff done also.Got some finish on my yew bow and 2 hides scraped[little help from Jesse]and 3 more racked up. It was really busy but I think everyone had a good time.I had Mike
the vice president of the IBO come down Sunday morning [his first time there] to look over the place for the IBO trad world shoot we are hosting in July,to say he loved it would be an under statement,never seen a guy so taken by a place,guess I am just use to it. Here are some pictures of the weekend.

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